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Gilbert lashes out at Evans - "not a team player" ! Merde !

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Mar 10, 2009
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ridley said:
Boo hoo - I have to agree, not really sportsman-like to run your team mate down in the press.

Ride harder and save comments for a team strategy planning /retrospective

Yes, but talking to the media is for the fans, talking in the bus is for the co-workers (team members) and the boss. Talking to the media also advertises the sponsors and is equivalent to earning additional pay, without the media stories we'd know nothing about the riders and lose interest in them and the sport, it would definitely be a lot quieter on this forum as well.
Mar 30, 2009
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ElChingon, I don't think anyone is saying 'don't talk the the media'. If after a race you want to have a crack at another team, rider, spectators, the weather or who is going to win Australian Idol then by all means....but don't bring your own team down. Thats like telling your wife she doesn't look good in those jeans...and in front of millions of people no less!
Mar 10, 2009
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cycutza said:
ElChingon, I don't think anyone is saying 'don't talk the the media'. If after a race you want to have a crack at another team, rider, spectators, the weather or who is going to win Australian Idol then by all means....but don't bring your own team down. Thats like telling your wife she doesn't look good in those jeans...and in front of millions of people no less!

Well till there's some law or omerta on the matter he can say what he wants, imagine he said it to the media what he said at the team meeting :eek:. Stating the obvious or re-stating the obvious sometimes needs to be done even to the world so those who are not following along (as in, Evans) will see it written down on every paper they read so they do follow along. Follow along as in, following the team game plan as discussed not bailing on the team then actually following through after stating he wasn't. The other riders on the team will also get the backlash for not winning as we all know Silence Lotto is not doing so well at the moment as far as wins is concerned, and fortunately it seems Silence Lotto is concerned with getting a win in soon and more importantly on home soil so to speak. Sure some people do not like the obvious being stated in the media but hey not everyone is the same, and hence the debates on the matter.

In closing if they look bad then it is your responsibility to state so otherwise you will get yelled at in front of millions for not stating so, especially if someone else states so before you. (the jeans)
Mar 19, 2009
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I dont think any rider should be discouraged from getting ****ed off and lashing out, or shooting their mouth off to the media, it makes for good drama.

Dont **** off the team captain though or you might get your blood refill dumped down the toilet and then your riding with 20% less power.... 1st to 100th he he he.
Mar 30, 2009
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ElChingon said:
In closing if they look bad then it is your responsibility to state so otherwise you will get yelled at in front of millions for not stating so, especially if someone else states so before you. (the jeans)

I guess marriage is as complicated as cycling ;)
Mar 16, 2009
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Evans is simply not a leader and does not have what it takes to pull a LeMond and win without a team. Nonetheless, he's a good rider. Just lacking that last 1-2% that would push him over the top.

That said, people (myself included) really seem to to dislike him for no reason other than his personality.
Trust Like Respect

I don't think it's good that Gilbert speaks out in public like this - I would think this is something better done behind closed doors but since he has...

...and if these comments are represativie of what others in the team think (a big if!) It would seem that there is little trust, not much respect and they don't like the guy .... not a great recipe for a high performing team.

Evans will need to do something to build some bridges or he is going to pretty lonely in July.

For what it's worth he is obviously talented - he wouldn't have been there on the Mur - but his race sense is as poor as ever.

I wonder who is giving him advice about any of this? He needs a good mentor, sports psych and/or race tactician. Where is the team management in all this?
Apr 16, 2009
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whiteboytrash said:
Looks as thou Evans is losing team-mates fast. Doesn't bode well for the Tour. Typical Aussie methinks.

And it's a real surprise to hear your typical Australian hating comments. Did an Aussie sleep with your wife to bring on this hatred?
Mar 10, 2009
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ridley said:
Boo hoo - I have to agree, not really sportsman-like to run your team mate down in the press.

Well, it's that, or chase them down in the peloton, or ride in such a way that someone else crashes. I'm just sayin...
Mar 15, 2009
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ingsve said:
There seems to be the same problem in Lotto as there is/was in Rabobank. An inability to support foreign team captains.

In Rabobank Levi Leipheimer never really got much support in the tour from the likes of Erik Dekker and Michael Boogerd. At least not for most of his years as tour captain there.

The same seems to be true with Evans and Lotto. I dare say that if Evans was a belgian Gilbert would never make a statement like that.

Yes, Lotto are probably very frustrated with their season and yes, Evans might be slightly to blaim himself but I sure think there is more to the situation than that.
The teams mentioned are having trouble rallying around their leaders.

And add to it that his tactical sense doesnt work so great at times.
Its more than attacking or not attacking.
He lost the Tour last year by the way he rode Alpe d'Huez. He WAS isolated and all but still rode defensively when he should have attacked.--of course maybe his crash took more out of hiom.

He will be 6th or 7 th this year.
and a few others.
But not Sastre.
Apr 20, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
I don't think it's good that Gilbert speaks out in public like this - I would think this is something better done behind closed doors but since he has...

...and if these comments are represativie of what others in the team think (a big if!) It would seem that there is little trust, not much respect and they don't like the guy .... not a great recipe for a high performing team.

Evans will need to do something to build some bridges or he is going to pretty lonely in July.

For what it's worth he is obviously talented - he wouldn't have been there on the Mur - but his race sense is as poor as ever.

I wonder who is giving him advice about any of this? He needs a good mentor, sports psych and/or race tactician. Where is the team management in all this?

There are very few riders in the world that could get the tour results that Cadel has with such little support. I mean, his team-mates did a great dissappearing act at the first sight of a mountain in 2008.

Watch the finale and you'll see Gilbert was at his limit and couldn't move up when they hit the Mur. He should have had Cadel's wheel and he would be on the podium. He should know Cadel ride strong tenmpo but without a great Kick. Even Marc Seargent said this before the race.

So Gilbert got it wrong in the finale and is having an whine about it.
Saucer of milk for Gilbert please!
davestoller said:
He will be 6th or 7 th this year.
and a few others.
But not Sastre.

There is no way Astana will get 3 people in the top 5. Tactically there is no way of that happening. Once a leader has been cleared out at least one or probably two of the others will have to sacrifice themselves for the leader and subsequently end lower in the GC. My guess is that Astana might get 3 in the top 12-15.
lack of leadership and professionalism

Evans sadly does not have the temperament or authority to be an effective team leader. He can't lean on the team or management to silence his critics. Public criticisms of him by his team are unprofessional and should be dealt with by him or team management. They don't have to be friends, they're being paid to be professional and get results. Gilbert and Evans need a face to face, frank discussion. Sort it out soon.
Mar 10, 2009
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ingsve said:
There is no way Astana will get 3 people in the top 5. Tactically there is no way of that happening. Once a leader has been cleared out at least one or probably two of the others will have to sacrifice themselves for the leader and subsequently end lower in the GC. My guess is that Astana might get 3 in the top 12-15.


Evans will finish above LA though. Top 10 but no higher than 6th atmo.
cycutza said:
- As captain, Cadel gets to change his mind, domestiques follow suit.

- No doubt Cadel is an arrogant and disliked rider. I'm an Aussie and I was pretty annoyed at how he handled himself last tour but that just adds to the passion of cycling IMHO and he might be disliked, but two seconds in the tour and maybe a first this year (if Alberto, the schlecks, levi and Menchov have to pull out) is nothing to be ashamed of. I still have to cheer for him.

- Great work on the Mur, maybe too early but at least he kicked and took it on from the front. Was a great finish.

I'm not understanding the "maybe a first this year(if Alberto, the Schlecks, Levi and Menchov have to pull out)".????????:confused:

Lotto is putting too much emphasis on Evans in a race like this. Gilbert should've been named co-leader the second Evans raised his reservations about his form prior to the race. While the Mur is not ideal for a rider of Gilbert's talents were he in a head to head sprint for the line, that is rarely how Gilbert wins his races. He attacks km's from the finish to get his wins.
Lotto needs to utilize Gilbert the way Caisse d'Epargne utilizes Rodriguez for Valverde and Saxo does with Andy Schleck for Frank Schleck. Not that had Gilbert been given the freedom to pursue his own interests, that the results would have been any different but it would have given them 2 options instead of the one. I feel Gilbert's frustration especially racing in front of his home fans on a Belgium team but having to support an obviously unpopular non-Belgium leader that is full of excuses for his lack of success. Its possible that Gilbert figured he'd beat Evans to the punch before Evans could give his perennial complaint about his lack of team support compared to his competitors.
Mar 18, 2009
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Its not just Evans or Gilbert who decide what is going to happen! Perhaps this is why there always seems to be something amiss with this team of late.

Perhaps, SL have put all their egos in one basket??

Anyway, I just wanna throw this out there about Evans and team playing -recent olympics, the bloke was injured, but rode to give Rogers ago at a medal. So it seems he can ride not just as a team leader but as a team player.

As an Aussie, there are moments he makes me cringe, but more moments where he makes me proud.

Yes he is boring and has the personality of a wet paper bag, but so what?!:D
msjett said:
Anyway, I just wanna throw this out there about Evans and team playing -recent olympics, the bloke was injured, but rode to give Rogers ago at a medal. So it seems he can ride not just as a team leader but as a team player.

You cannot use one incident like that to support an argument that Evans is a team player. Perhaps Evans plays favorites: Friends get treated on way and others get treated completely different. Perhaps he treats those who are not in his inner circle badly. I don't know what the guy's problem is but he does not seem to have the respect of this teammates.

Popovich was probably not too happy to not get Evans support last Spring.
Mar 18, 2009
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BroDeal said:
You cannot use one incident like that to support an argument that Evans is a team player. Perhaps Evans plays favorites: Friends get treated on way and others get treated completely different. Perhaps he treats those who are not in his inner circle badly. I don't know what the guy's problem is but he does not seem to have the respect of this teammates.

Popovich was probably not too happy to not get Evans support last Spring.

Why can't I? It only took one incident last tour to make people decide that they didn't like him.
Mar 18, 2009
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Angliru, I think you have it about right - the failure to give Gilbert co-leader status was a tactical mistake - Evans doesn't have the punch for the finish on the Muur, he's a grinder not a grimpeur.

I take my hat off to Evans for showing up for a fairly complete season, but he doesn't seem to either have the complete package or the racing nous to go from being a consistent finisher to a champion.
msjett said:
Why can't I? It only took one incident last tour to make people decide that they didn't like him.

Because one incident means nothing. How his teammates feel about him is determined by how he treats them on balance, not by a single incident.

I seem to recall teammates complaining about him last year or the year before, I forget which.
Apr 25, 2009
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
It was in many interviews back in 2007. During and after that stage. It also came back in interviews once or twice, when talking about Evans. That;s before he was signed by Silence.

Both Boogerd and Dekker had confirmed that story. Evans was riding up to them and said "Now all the hard work you put in last weeks was for nothing. Hahaha". /Evans.

I've got no link to the news in English. But it definately happened, if necessary I'll search through my 'Wielerrevue' (Dutch cycling magazine) and scan it for you...

Absolute Nonsense!
Mar 18, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Because one incident means nothing. How his teammates feel about him is determined by how he treats them on balance, not by a single incident.

I seem to recall teammates complaining about him last year or the year before, I forget which.

Most people decide the first time they meet someone or that person does something, whether they like them, can work for them or not.

If there is such a problem here, then S-L management need to address it, and that does not seem to be happening, so it could just be the ego's of riders clashing.

BroDeal you aren't the only one with an opinion, you are so quick to shoot everyone else's opinions down that aren't in line with yours. It's petty and unnecessary.
Apr 12, 2009
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to keep team mates happy you need to do two things win when they support you and also work for them in minor races, look what Contador and LA did for levi this year cadel just doesn't do that he only want's people to help him, and his palmares aren't enough for his team to take his it was my team's fault routine
I have to wonder if this issue is much ado about nothing? That it's been addressed by the team that night in the bus or hotel, the guys talked it over and all is fine as they look forward and prepare for the next race.

Meanwhile, we all talk and speculate about how maybe this, maybe that, simply because Gilbert appeared upset, and Evans lost F-L and has no personality.

Typical Aussie methinks.

What the heck does that mean? Stuart O'Grady is one of the most likable guys in the peloton, as was Phil Anderson years ago.

Saucer of milk for Gilbert please!

Now THAT made me laugh! I'm not completely sure what it means in your culture, but it sure sounds funny.