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Giro del Trentino


Aug 17, 2009
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Seeing the field in this race, are the hospitals and clinics full up in Italy, for the riders prepping up with their medicine(s).

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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Some of you guys are funny to me.

Why does every good performance these days have some forum member relating it too doping???.

Is it jealousy?.

I think (In terms of training methods) many forum members on here are behind the times honest IMO, of what guys like Cancellara do to win races & supplement there cycling out side of long rides.

I mean ask them?. "Well the best rider is the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest". Wrong!. Is it the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest & dopes EPO?" Wrong"

Times have moved on & so have training methods which outweigh doping. Cancellara realises this.

I'm gonna start training to be a 100m track sprinter. I'm just going to dedicate all my training hours to running down a lonely track all day. That will make me great :confused:
Nov 24, 2009
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Green Tea said:
Some of you guys are funny to me.

Why does every good performance these days have some forum member relating it too doping???.

Is it jealousy?.

I think (In terms of training methods) many forum members on here are behind the times honest IMO, of what guys like Cancellara do to win races & supplement there cycling out side of long rides.

I mean ask them?. "Well the best rider is the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest". Wrong!. Is it the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest & dopes EPO?" Wrong"

Times have moved on & so have training methods which outweigh doping. Cancellara realises this.

I'm gonna start training to be a 100m track sprinter. I'm just going to dedicate all my training hours to running down a lonely track all day. That will make me great :confused:

excuse me Sir, something just arrived for you


Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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I know but I would rather be a whiner than a hater who was behind the times, putting every success down to doping.

I mean come on, give credit where credits due. Was Cancellara caught doping in his last 2 victories?

Must be missing something there.

So lets all speculate like ignornant p**ck's.

Speculate, speculate, speculate... No facts, just speculate. Gotta be the dope. Surely having the "strongest" legs in the peleton does nothing for max applicable power on a flat stage.

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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Ha Ha Ha... You put Cancellaras performance down to isometric training. Ha Ha Ha... Do you put it down to the kettlebells on the tour bus. Ha Ha Ha... What about the tons of bodyweight exercises he does. Ha Ha Ha Ha... What about the work in the gym?. Ha Ha Ha... What about his increased strength from pulling weights. Ha Ha Ha...

You got it all wrong Fab. Just crank the bike. Its an aerobic sport. Ha Ha Ha.

Shame Cancellara wasn't suffering or breathing heavily. So is it aerobic???... Not according to his performance. He just powered the pedals harder than anybody else.

Seems like them kettlebells are doing something after all. Nah, gotta be the dope.. How can Fab possibly beat guys with higher VO2's?.

Get with the times. Jesus Christ.


Aug 17, 2009
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Green Tea said:
Some of you guys are funny to me.

Why does every good performance these days have some forum member relating it too doping???.

Is it jealousy?.

I think (In terms of training methods) many forum members on here are behind the times honest IMO, of what guys like Cancellara do to win races & supplement there cycling out side of long rides.

I mean ask them?. "Well the best rider is the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest". Wrong!. Is it the guy who cranks his bike in training the longest & dopes EPO?" Wrong"

Times have moved on & so have training methods which outweigh doping. Cancellara realises this.

I'm gonna start training to be a 100m track sprinter. I'm just going to dedicate all my training hours to running down a lonely track all day. That will make me great :confused:

Check out the roster for the race!

Green Tea

Apr 14, 2010
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flicker said:
Check out the roster for the race!

Checked it.

Also checked the Michael Phelps & Usain Bolts roster which there dominating<<< Dope, Epo... Sorry... You can't dominate rosters, duh. Silly me. There honking too.
Ferminal said:

Why the freak can't the admin here run a script against the database that spits out a list of user's with the same IP then ask the members to explain the situation? There are a whole bunch of users who are seem to be sock puppets of regular members that were created simply to troll. This is getting ridiculous.


Mar 10, 2009
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flicker said:
Seeing the field in this race, are the hospitals and clinics full up in Italy, for the riders prepping up with their medicine(s).

I think you should be in hospital flicker, preferably the psychiatric one!

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