It was all a dream? No (it might have been like a dream for her, though). I can you names of other riders who were in the same situation as her
Was she on the startlist for both races? Yes
She participated in both the road race and the time trial in her category, but she also didn't? Yes*
Participated in the Junior races? Yes*
Eugenia Bujak? No
Participated in the U23 race(s)? No
Participated in both the Road Race and the Time Trial? Yes
Participated in her country's national road racing championship this year, but not the elite race(s)? Yes and no
Male? No
Active? Yes
European? Yes
On WWT Team? No
Will she be on the same team next year? I believe she wil be
First language a Slavic language? Yes
First language a Romance language? No
First language a Germanic language? No
On European team? Yes
Participated in her country's national road racing championship this year? Yes*
Was she on the startlist for both races? Yes
She participated in both the road race and the time trial in her category, but she also didn't? Yes*
Participated in the Junior races? Yes*
Eugenia Bujak? No
Participated in the U23 race(s)? No
Participated in both the Road Race and the Time Trial? Yes
Participated in her country's national road racing championship this year, but not the elite race(s)? Yes and no
Male? No
Active? Yes
European? Yes
On WWT Team? No
Will she be on the same team next year? I believe she wil be
First language a Slavic language? Yes
First language a Romance language? No
First language a Germanic language? No
On European team? Yes
Participated in her country's national road racing championship this year? Yes*