Classics for me (not just northern, though the spring cobbled are the best)
The racing is consistantly better, I feel, but a good stage race is still exicting, as are individual stages.
But the cobbles deliver again and again, too bad we only have limited TV over here.
PR x4... well Roger, long time coming... only Boonan has more than one in the current peleton
Going the 5 Monuments, the sport is so specialised now I can't see anyone who could do The Falling Leaves or LBL, maybe Cancellara for LBL, bit surely not Lombardia.
I am down on record as a big Haussler fan, I agree he is has the the most potential of the newer crop.
Think of it, the last bloke to go close was Kelly, and he was a freak even in his own career, a sprinter who won a GT, amazing! (if only he had a rainbow)