Some of the moves they attempt border on madness. Jumps, 500 degree flips, back flips, double back flips, all onto an opponent, all can and do cause injury if landing isnt 100% perfect. And with things like the backflip or the reverse backflip ( I think this one is even illegal in some places) you cant evem see the opponent, while your performing the move. They occasionally do this stuff from ladders. I heard Jeff Hardy (total nutjob) got paid 100 grand to do this one time, doing a flip of a 16 foot ladder onto an opponent (with a table to break the fall)
And the injuries, and risk, madone. The chances of horrifying injury are odds on. All wrestlers have to accept they will get many of them. Broken arms, broken legs, head injuries, torn biceps, broken necks, often takes a year of rehab. Thats part of the job. Many get paralysed from it. Many are consigned to wheel chairs or get brain damage. Even the steel chair, while the impact is exaggerated on the shows, can cause concussions if used wrong. While wrestling builds itself on huge exaggerations on the seriousness of the events to the viewers, we should not underestimate how serious the events actually are to the wrestlers, once they get behind the scenes. I can only assume they are all masochists of a sort. Not to mention the sick perverted s**t they did on places like ecw where they use real barbed wire, and real fire, which the wrestler gets paid a sum to put himself through, to astonish the viewers, and is then forced to spend months in hospital recovering from.
I guess 1 testament to the injuries is the Chris Benoit story. They found that by the end ( he did a murder suicide on his wife and kid) his brain was so damaged from years of wrestling, that he had the mental capacity of a child. His was the most violent death, but every now and again I see in the papers this and that wrestler has died. Since they are in the papers, I assume these are people who make it in the wwf. Now in our thing and other sports, we do get sudden deaths, but with the exception of pantani and one or 2 others, they are usually from the lower leagues. But in wrestling, all these deaths are coming from the wwf, their equivalent of our tdf peloton. I can only imagine how many deaths there are at the lower developmental levels.