As I have mentioned before in this forum, I've personally spent the last year or so working on a project to log all doping-related incidents in the European pro road scene since 1980.
The project was partly inspired by some unsourced mudslinging on this forum in July last year and the fact that, certainly in the English language anyway, pro cycling deserves a good doping almanac.
Sneak preview
**edited by mod ***
In the future I may expand the dataset beyond Europe, to include 'cross, track and mountain bike and earlier than 1980 but I would need help to do that and for now I had to limit my enquiry due to the size of the task at hand.
The product of my work will be a strictly non-commercial dot org and its content will be Creative Commons.
How Clinicians can help
Of course, this is my project and I curate it, but I would prefer it eventually to become a collaborative exercise. Here's where
you come in!
I'm very close to releasing the website now but all that raw data is lacking some prose. I'm looking for a small number of short but
scholarly essays on subjects within the domain of pro road doping, to be fully credited to you (or your avatar

) but otherwise satisfying the CC licence.
I'm particularly interested in illustrated chronologies of testing and/or scandals (for example, we had an excellent chronology posted here a long time ago as
reproduced in PDF by red_flanders, but I have been unable to trace the original author, who posted it on a now-defunct Team Saxo Bank forum) but I would also welcome opinion pieces, as well as discussions on specific subjects and cultural problems.
Anyway, if you'd like to contribute an essay or if you know somebody who might, please PM me with your chosen subject. Given the amount of effort that gets put in here at times, I wouldn't think that was too difficult for many of you.
Once the website is live, I'll post the URL here. I would also welcome any and all corrigenda, additions and sources for any information or incidents I may have overlooked (of which there are doubtless many). The facility to do that will be available on the website.
Thank you for your help!