webvan said:
My exact thoughts so I nominate this as the best post of the decate, and without EPO, Ullrich would have one at least 7 : 1997,1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
How about we nominate it for "2nd best post" of the decade.
2nd best, just like Jan
To think Jan could win at least 7 is hilarious.
And of course, we will never see 7 In A Row ever again.
And to think EPO made the difference is hilarious too.
EPO did not make the difference in 98.
It was mechanicals and bad weather on The Galibier.
EPO did not make a difference for Jan in 99
He was injured.
EPO did not make the difference in 02 for Jan.
Drugs and booze and the ladies and fast cars did him in.
Other years he was too nice. Waiting.
Other years using a pallet scale instead of a gram scale to weigh his food.
Other years crashing.
To be honest, some of those years he was not even second or third best.
And EPO never made the difference.
Ironically, the ONLY year Jan could have won WITHOUT EPO was 1997.
And he was doped to the gills on EPO that year lol.
But again, it did not make the difference.
All that said, Jan was and is awesome!
Can't wait for his book.
I will have to skip ahead and read the chapter where Lance waited for Jan after Jan crashed and they held hands at the finish line.