Firstly, stage 10 win for CAV he had his nose in the wind for far more than 100 meters and still no one could pass him, stage 11 he outsprinted Thor on the uphill.
This is his first tour where he is trying to make it over the mountains & into Paris. As he has never done this before, i am sure he is trying to be conservative with his energy expenditure in the mountains. Why go for intermediate sprints when they are not an efficient use of your energy?
Thor has been through this before CAV has not. Thor had no choice but to go for the intermediate points. I doubt in future tours CAV will bother with them either he will just continue to spank all the other sprinters for more stage wins
4 stage wins and second in the green jersey would be pretty impressive for anyone on their first trip into Paris.
As far as the laughing group, Zabel & McEwen spent plenty of time there
but that does not seem to correspond to your reality.
I think Thor deserves the jersey, but CAV 's relegation was too harsh a penalty from what was involved. He was never warned in any previous sprints here, a warning and a fine would have been a much more appropriate penalty.
For all u haters, there have always been leadout trains, Cipolini had the best and it made the finishes much safer. There is also nothing preventing other teams from doing leadouts but they are a bunch of whiners, Garmin in particular. You have one of the few riders to outsprint CAV & you just fold up your tent on the sprint finishes?
Oh but wait, they did work on the run in for 13th place once, but Tyler was nowhere to be found, hmmmmmmmmm.... why were they doing that? oh yes time gaps.
You can't do a leadout for one of the fastest sprinters in the world but you can chase like crazy if it'll keep another american out of yellow. losers

Hope Thor & CAV duke it out in Paris they are both good riders & good guys