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I hate Armstrong, but hope that he wins the tour??? I need help!!

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Jun 23, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Don't forget about the six positives for EPO. No matter how many samples are negative there are still those six positives. Why don't you take your delusions to the doping forum where they can be more fully discussed? Double dare you. :)

Sigh, another strawman argument. I may be mistaken but did I not say that he has had 34 clean tests since his return? Lets try to stay with the subject Bro and in the present. Or are you saying he has had six positives amongst those? Of course you aren't, you just can't admit the fact that Armstrong is showing that riding clean and at 37 years old he is still in the top handful of tour riders in the world and making a mockery of the crap that you and your doping obsessed mates spout. So you have to dredge up six so called positives that were re examined under totally non controlled conditions that would be thrown out of any court in the world and hang your hat on that. I suppose you have a signed copy of LA Confidential too?


OK, just for fun I am watching the Lance Comeback on Versus and I swear they said this "He saved the sport before, but could he do it again?" I just do not have words for that kind of stupidity.

You know what, I have to admit that kind of idiocy has nothing to do with the man himself. No, the disdain and bemused contempt I feel are for the members of the Cult of Lance. They are almost all Americans who need others to accomplish things so that they can feel like badasses. I mean, I recognize that whorish self promotion has rarely seen a practitioner as adept as Mr Armstrong, but it is the sheep that follow that are en even bigger problem. Lance is only one man, and yes is a stain on cycling, but his worshipers are infecting society by teaching their progeny that people like him and hero worship like that are beneficial. Our country is doomed.
Thoughtforfood said:
OK, just for fun I am watching the Lance Comeback on Versus and I swear they said this "He saved the sport before, but could he do it again?" I just do not have words for that kind of stupidity.

Anyone want to take bets on whether Versus even hints at what he really did to win the Tour? I am giving fifty to one odds.


Jun 23, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Anyone want to take bets on whether Versus even hints at what he really did to win the Tour? I am giving fifty to one odds.

Didn't he ride faster than everyone else and so get the overall fastest time? I think thats how you win the tour isn't it?

Ohh, your probably onto your drug thing again, silly me. I can't wait to hear what you will have to say if he wins this year. Actually even a podium will burst your bubble. Better start hoping he has a fall than you will be able to say he would never have done any good anyway.
Bagster said:
Ohh, your probably onto your drug thing again, silly me. I can't wait to hear what you will have to say if he wins this year. Actually even a podium will burst your bubble. Better start hoping he has a fall than you will be able to say he would never have done any good anyway.

It won't surprise me a bit if he wins. I am basically a pessimist. I have no doubt that Armstrong will do exactly what he did before, exactly what was proved in retrospective testing of his urine. Riders from that era cannot conceive of riding without "help." It is like a pro body builder I remember reading about. After he retired from competition, he decided to go drug free. He could not believe how hard it was. The clean BBers, after laughing at his predicament, had to tell him that without the drugs it was a completely different sport because of issues with recovery.


Jun 23, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
OK, just for fun I am watching the Lance Comeback on Versus and I swear they said this "He saved the sport before, but could he do it again?" I just do not have words for that kind of stupidity.

You know what, I have to admit that kind of idiocy has nothing to do with the man himself. No, the disdain and bemused contempt I feel are for the members of the Cult of Lance. They are almost all Americans who need others to accomplish things so that they can feel like badasses. I mean, I recognize that whorish self promotion has rarely seen a practitioner as adept as Mr Armstrong, but it is the sheep that follow that are en even bigger problem. Lance is only one man, and yes is a stain on cycling, but his worshipers are infecting society by teaching their progeny that people like him and hero worship like that are beneficial. Our country is doomed.

Lol, mate you need to see a doctor yourself! No seriously, you are one disturbed individual if one guy causes you such an over the top reaction. Whorish? Sheep? A stain on cycling? What really worries me is that you sincerely believe the drivel that you write!! Its a sport man, nothing more nothing less. Top sports people all have their devoted followers: Tiger, Federer, the list goes on. People like to have heroes and for millions of people around the world Armstrong is a hero. That you don't like that is more than obvious from your vitriolic little post. But you really need to get over yourself, because the lame opinions of people like you don't really matter to the millions that Armstrong has aided through his foundation and promotional work.

If your country is doomed, it is because of people like you who make people like Armstrong the object of your hate obsession rather than from people who hero worship him.

Be a tourist...move on and get a life


Bagster said:
Lol, mate you need to see a doctor yourself! No seriously, you are one disturbed individual if one guy causes you such an over the top reaction. Whorish? Sheep? A stain on cycling? What really worries me is that you sincerely believe the drivel that you write!! Its a sport man, nothing more nothing less. Top sports people all have their devoted followers: Tiger, Federer, the list goes on. People like to have heroes and for millions of people around the world Armstrong is a hero. That you don't like that is more than obvious from your vitriolic little post. But you really need to get over yourself, because the lame opinions of people like you don't really matter to the millions that Armstrong has aided through his foundation and promotional work.

If your country is doomed, it is because of people like you who make people like Armstrong the object of your hate obsession rather than from people who hero worship him.

Be a tourist...move on and get a life

Its so funny with guys like this, they all think they are original. I wonder if this one actually rides a bike? If so, I'd bet it is a Trek.
Bagster said:
Lol, mate you need to see a doctor yourself! No seriously, you are one disturbed individual if one guy causes you such an over the top reaction. Whorish? Sheep? A stain on cycling? What really worries me is that you sincerely believe the drivel that you write!! Its a sport man, nothing more nothing less. Top sports people all have their devoted followers: Tiger, Federer, the list goes on. People like to have heroes and for millions of people around the world Armstrong is a hero. That you don't like that is more than obvious from your vitriolic little post. But you really need to get over yourself, because the lame opinions of people like you don't really matter to the millions that Armstrong has aided through his foundation and promotional work.

If your country is doomed, it is because of people like you who make people like Armstrong the object of your hate obsession rather than from people who hero worship him.

Be a tourist...move on and get a life

Maybe you need to see the doctor yourself. You are the one whose sole contribution to this forum seems to be to complain about people who don't have their noses buried as far up The Lance's rear as you do. You are also the one who refuses to go to the doping forum, where the issues at hand can be discuseed more freely. Afraid of what you might read I guess.


Jun 23, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Maybe you need to see the doctor yourself. You are the one whose sole contribution to this forum seems to be to complain about people who don't have their noses buried as far up The Lance's rear as you do. You are also the one who refuses to go to the doping forum, where the issues at hand can be discuseed more freely. Afraid of what you might read I guess.

Actually I have never been near the man so it wasn't my nose. I am not a Lance acolyte by any means but I do get sick of the one trick pony show that you and your mates continually push on these forums. Afraid to go to the doping forum? Not at all, I have checked them out and even the best evidence that you can muster would be thrown out of any court of law. But even if you were right and Armstrong did dope for all seven of his victories and remain undetected ( a feat of epic proportions that would be in itself be worthy of credit) it would be fair to assume that almost all of his protagonists in the races were also on dope and so the best doper won.

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