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I hate the new website!!!

Jun 18, 2009
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I used to love cyclingnews.com. It was clear and simple. I also liked how you could look at the photo galleries. Now there are things flashing, I can't find the races, and if I want to see a photo, I have to scroll through dozens of photos instead of simply clicking one or two from the gallery. I don't think I can keep using this site.
Jun 19, 2009
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Give the site time

In reply to 'I hate the new website' give it some time I think it is a better lay out than before and it does look more professional. With the photo's I think it is better because you just click on the race you are interested in then click the photo's tab and it shows them all as thumbnails better than the old description I think at least you can see them at a glance. So well done cycling news and I will keep browsing.
Jun 19, 2009
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I agree with the previous poster.The new lay out is dreadful. No stage details, no profiles, photos are hard to find. One of my pleasures was not to know who won and to read the llive report, now one can see at a glance who won.

Not an improvement at all. Out of all the designs this must be one of the least user friendly designs I have come across in a long time. And to give it time is not really the point it has gone from very easy to navigate and a pleasure to read to something that is loaded with unnecessary additions which don't make it any better or easier to read or navigate. Back to the drawing board please.
Mar 12, 2009
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As much I love to see progress I see very little in the new format, to be honest it looks all rather girly!

Come on fella's at least loose the Sunflowers, this is a cycling site not one covering Soccer.
Jun 19, 2009
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Agree 110%

I've been a daily visitor to Cyclingnews for years.

The new format is hopeless. It is slow, glitchy, confusing.. also I used to able to read it on my Blackberry - now it doesn't work.

I have NO idea, how you could see this as an improvement. And how becoming another me-too cycling site, would keep the fan base who grew up with the old web site.

At least it got me to join the forum, just so I could say my piece!

Possibly the last comment or visit I'll make
Jun 15, 2009
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I agree, this new format is dreadful. The articles are difficult to read and I can't tell what is new since I last visited.

I also find it difficult to tell what the status of each race is.

My last complaint will be about flash, why every website thinks they need to use flash is beyond my comprehension.

Sorry CN, but I liked the old one much better.
Jun 19, 2009
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i agree

the new format is too similar to another site i visit. I liked your old site better because it was clear and easy to read. I respect cyclingnews and consider you guys the authority on all things bicycle related. please go back to the old format... not just for me but for every single fan of yours.
Jun 19, 2009
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Please put it back

I have to agree with all the negative comments on the new site. The old version had its quirks, but the new one is positively driving me nuts.

And no stage profiles? Are you kidding me? How could anyone who is a cyclist think that would be a good thing to take away?
Mar 14, 2009
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Hard to read, hard to navigate,..

hard to be bothered visiting it anymore.

Let's just hope they bring back the old. Perhaps they'll loose advertising revenue, we can only hope. They will pay for being greedy and seeking to appease the marketing and finance departments rather than looking after the readers. They had a good thing going with the old and have now spoilt everything.
Jun 19, 2009
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new website is cumbersome

Agree with everyone else.
Please reformat the site to something closer to the original.
This new one has no flow. Tough to determine what is new and what is an old headline...
Jun 19, 2009
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IT seems to have all been said already (many times). While CN has now been prettified, it has lost a significant part of its functionality. It's like building a grupo that's very pretty (hmm, Delta Brakes anyone?) but does not work!!

I miss the ease of finding stage info, COMPLETE results, and a summary of the days news in facilitated reading format.

Jun 22, 2009
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I totally agree with all those above. The site is slower to load and that was one of the issues they were supposed to address - even on a high speed work link its pathetic, and errors are still appearing when pages load! I haven't spoken to anyone yet who has found it user friendly. The colours leave a lot to be desired and trying to check results is very slow. I was prepared to give it a trial but am getting to the stage I can't be bothered and will look elsewhere. There are so many images flashing at you, and this doesn't help the loading of pages either - pity the poor people out in the sticks still on dial up - and they are still out there as ADSL is not possible! As Cycling news covers such a wide audience from the very young to the very old, its a pity they didn't find a 'happy medium' but obviously someone has thought they'd go with the 'super duper' version, but forgot to get a variety of people to test it for them! It wasn't worth waiting for I'm afraid.
Jun 5, 2009
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Annoyingly slow. The main page always seems to lock up completely a couple of times while it's loading. The only thing you can do is wait... and wait some more. Or kill the browser and find another site to visit, which is what I find myself doing increasingly often.

I also preferred to old layout.
Jun 23, 2009
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I agree with the thread starter, I used to love this website, especially the easy browsing of race results and photo galleries. They completely messed up the photo galleries by taking away the "gallery view" where one can see all the photos from an event at once. Now I can only see three photos at a time, by painstakingly side scrolling... I can't read the captions either until I open the full sized version of the photo.

Anyways, I don't spend as much time here anymore because the layout is crap compared to before. It also doesn't load as easily on my phone.