This is a common forum question, to which, there isn't a "one size fits all" answer.
For a start, the question of doping isn't the property of the supposedly "obssessive". The Apologists seem equally keen to set up endless, often pointless threads on the topic, then have the gall to complain about all the talk!
Fact is, there are many levels of racing, below the Tour, so for some of us, it's just another race. Bigger than the rest, maybe, but just another race.
I follow the sport through it's trials, tribulations and excitement 365 days of the year, not just for three weeks every July.
I've seen a lot of ardent fans, come and go, unable to deal with the regular deflation of discovering that favourite riders/teams have been doping. The hurt has overwhelmed them.
These are the people, who were deluded, yet wise enough to accept the reality of the true situation at the top of our sport when the evidence started to pile up.
What they could not accept, was that cheating is somehow acceptable, providing you can do it and remain undetected.
They won't be watching the Tour.
For those of us who watch, but continue to take a high moral stance against cheating, it is because we constantly strive to improve the future, while being tough enough to accept the bitter truth.
Similar, in fact, to the new young riders within the peloton, who now speak out, with the same voice.
We cannot eradicate doping, but we can change the climate that condones it's practice, hopefully enlightening a few apologists along the way.