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Is Julian Dean under-rated?

May 6, 2009
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FTR I don't believe he is the best lead out man in the world, for mine, Mark Renshaw gets that tag. Well I suppose if you ask Tyler Farrar and Thor Hushovd who have waxed lyrical about him as a lead out man. He also rode and finished all three Grand Tours last year.

The reason why I ask if Dean is under rated is because he's somebody that doesn't always get the plaudits of others, and yet he has personally helped some big name sprinters to stage wins in important races.
Apr 28, 2009
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I think Dean and Renshaw are quite different leadout men. Renshaw is at his best when he's the final rider in a sprint train like he was at last years TdF on numerous occations, simply because he is very fast himself. Dean, on the other hand, is a complete leadout on his own, as he's got the ability to always find a good position to start the sprint. Renshaw is faster than Dean, but he doesn't have the same positioning ability.

Dean is maybe underrated by the public, by certainly not by the sprinters.

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