The Hitch said:
Does Lance have a pet? I heard sociopaths often express their good side on animals, and reserve the pschycho parts for humans.
Seriously though, i always compared mobsters to sports stars -those who will cheat and decieve others, just to win and make money. In many you do see similar tendencies. In my opinion, the same genetic make up which promps someone who grows up around sport, to think that the world revolves around them, and that victory, even at the cost of cheating, is the most important thing in the world, that is the same genetic make up which promps someone growing up around gangs, to become a career sociopath criminal - with no concern for anyone but yourself.
Harsh maybe, but i was only reffering to some sports stars. Considering Armstrongs actions against Simoni, and his comeback and his doping, he might fit the bill. Association football has a lot more imo (considering the very ugly character of some players)
Again... the issue with antisocial personality disorder is " There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since the age of 15". Essentially it's normal for children to act this way, but a sociopath continues to do so as an adult. All children disply traits of a sociopath.
Using the DSM traits... I don't think Lance fits perfectly. "Punishing" a rider in a break because he went after your trainer is petty... but not sociopathic. If he rode up and pushed him off his bike... that would fit much closer. Lance doesn't show the impulsivity you'd expect, he hasn't job hopped. He doesn't show a disregard for his own safety. And other behaviors that might fit into the category are a big sketchy. For example he doped, which is grounds for arrest. And yes, he lied about that, which also fits the profile. But that fits at least half the pro-cyclists out there.
The thing with all the various mental disorders is that there are always 3-4 different ones that have a lot in common, but are a separate diagnosis. I'd say Narcissistic personality disorder is the best fit.
-Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
-Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
-Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions). Rarely acknowledges mistakes and/or imperfections
-Requires excessive admiration
-Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
-Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
-Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
-Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
-Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
Based on how he acts in public, that seems like nearly a 100% match. He's not a sociopath in my opinion... he's a narcissist.