Ala has had an insane kick, anaerobic power and likely high power at vo2max. The last couple years he has also exhibited traits of elite lipid power, ie high output at very low blood lactate levels (say, below 2mmol) for extended periods. To give a ballpark, Pinot is on record being able to put out 5w/kg for 4hrs in the grappe study, and the data refers back to times before his full maturity as a rider (2013). Clearly highlipid power is the ticket to the gc game, really.
So what has Ala done to achieve this without losing the kick? Just upped low intensity volume and or matured? Ketones, which presumably boost lipid power? Something else? All of the above?
So what has Ala done to achieve this without losing the kick? Just upped low intensity volume and or matured? Ketones, which presumably boost lipid power? Something else? All of the above?