Neworld said:
This whole forum is about posters saying what is "best" or what one's opinion is. I accept your opinion, but don't value it. Just like I don't value you telling me what I should say in here. "It's not for you to say", you are one self-righteous individual aren't you?
Clearly she doesn't have my value system, not even close. I don't lie, cheat and deal illicit drugs to athletes...and that is just what we know of.
Frankly, the irony of you calling me self-righteous is rather amusing. I can go back over your posts from the last year and extract probably dozens if not at least several which are rife with nothing more than primers in overweening morality, the like of which I suspect not many in this world practice throughout their lives. So you don't lie, cheat, or deal illicit drugs? That's excellent. I guess that therefore qualifies you to sit in judgment on her.
The reality of this situation is that if she wants to write pap for RW and they want to allow it, you and everyone else can quite simply not read it. And your life will roll on unaffected.
The salient difference--is that in life and on the web I don't say what others should say or do--public figures or otherwise--when their actions and decisions have zero bearing on my life, nor are their present actions even making the immediate world a potentially worse place than it already is. (Politicians and those in business and other forms of power are exempt from this--I trust you're able to see why.) That doesn't mean I support them or am indifferent either, but it doesn't mean I expect their present actions to conform to my dim world view. Some call that fascism by another name. In that regard, I both accept and value your opinion--as having a certain significance--but I don't wholly respect it. It might be that some healthy dissonance is more valuable in the long run than just apathetic social conformism.
The further reality is that this whole forum is not just about posters firing off opinions--let alone saying what is best--there are huge differences in the level of discourse from thread to thread, poster to poster. See if you can spot the difference between those offering reasoned *personal* positions and those who are braying.