I think you start calculating right and had a look. Thats good.
Yes the overalltone is "hating Armstrong" everywhere and everytime.
Because the people responsible in this forum like it like that, they obviously support it (even with their own posts), and let it happen without any critic or doing something. Others dopers are handled in 2-3 posts and even seem to be something like a holy grale here.
And don´t tell me this is because of Landis accusations.
The hate and support of the haters is also happening in the sports-aspect for a long long time now. Same goes for the clinic.
Landis is just the icing and the name to hide behind.
Every cyclist and doper is handled with kid gloves here - except of Armstrong.
Say something bad about someone else and you have a big problem with the haters and even with people in responsible positions here.
Sometimes it is enough just NOT to hate Armstrong.
Its all so obvious and the machine is running with full speed.
Just go on like this. Hating is just sooo easy, you need nothing for that, swim with the majority - hating is fine, hating is trend, just hate (sorry Nike).
The end of the story will be, that Admins/Mods/forum are alone with all these haters. Don´t tell me later, that I didn´t warn you.
Exactly the same was going on on German forums about Ullrich. EXACTLY like it is here now.
Some forums are completely dead because there were only all these just-hate people left, who finally hated eachother after some time and there were no more "normal, objective, realistic" people left to discuss - because of all theses haters and 1000 Ullrich(doping/hate/laughabout/fat lazy/fraud)threads.
Yes !
Its not all about/against you, Barrus. I cover some of your thoughts.
But this is no more fun whats going on here. Perhaps your fellow admins should think for a minute about what I said, too. If they want and can understand what I mean.