on the flip side.. the life of a cyclist and the constant testing...
right now, right down a list of where you will be, for one hour every day for the next three weeks... every time that changes, make a note, make sure you are there for that one hour (and work doesnt count.. a cyclist work would mean out on the road).. try doing it for a week when you are going away on holiday, so you need to write down the hotel address and make sure you are there that hour every day...
it must be a right royal pain in the ****.. yes, i know its there job, and they are on the whole, paid fairly well to do it.. but i dont even know where im going to be for 1 hour at any one time tomoro, let alone a week on friday..
yes they need to be tested, i am wholeheartedly behind that.. but if id been tested 10 times in 6 weeks, on the eleventh time i would probably be "christ.. wernt you only here the other day" as well...