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Lance is ****ed at Levi after Stage 8

Jun 16, 2009
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Its kind of funny but not.

Don't get me wrong, the dialog is very funny and well written. Its the monotonous delivery and the absence of anything happening that drives me nuts before I get half way through.

Would love to see this done through some flash animation with human voices instead!
Mar 20, 2009
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the_kman said:
can someone please type whats said? youtube is blocked at my work :(

not missing anything really. it was lame, poorly made attempt at something who thinks they know something about cycling to be somewhat funny- but fell more down the embarassing path.
this forum is full of dumbarse haters who have nothing better to do than congregate here in this pathetic pile of **** and whine about how certain cyclists somehow have personally ruined their lives so much to the extent they wish harm, ridicule or worse to them.
i couldnt care less for their opinions or them personally on ANY level whatsoever.

im not pro LA, im simply not a total douche like 90% of most posters here.
real heros! i would love the day when you can and will be prosecuted for half the **** you say here. keep your whiney traps shut!
May 13, 2009
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danjo007 said:
not missing anything really. it was lame, poorly made attempt at something who thinks they know something about cycling to be somewhat funny- but fell more down the embarassing path.
this forum is full of dumbarse haters who have nothing better to do than congregate here in this pathetic pile of **** and whine about how certain cyclists somehow have personally ruined their lives so much to the extent they wish harm, ridicule or worse to them.
i couldnt care less for their opinions or them personally on ANY level whatsoever.

im not pro LA, im simply not a total douche like 90% of most posters here.
real heros! i would love the day when you can and will be prosecuted for half the **** you say here. keep your whiney traps shut!

Oh, their tears, their little tears, so sweet, so tasty.
danjo007 said:
not missing anything really. it was lame, poorly made attempt at something who thinks they know something about cycling to be somewhat funny- but fell more down the embarassing path.
this forum is full of dumbarse haters who have nothing better to do than congregate here in this pathetic pile of **** and whine about how certain cyclists somehow have personally ruined their lives so much to the extent they wish harm, ridicule or worse to them.
i couldnt care less for their opinions or them personally on ANY level whatsoever.

im not pro LA, im simply not a total douche like 90% of most posters here.
real heros! i would love the day when you can and will be prosecuted for half the **** you say here. keep your whiney traps shut!

So, what do you think of the Tour de France?