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Lemond/McIlvain tape

May 20, 2010
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thatsallfolks said:
Lifted from the Velocast forum

tape between Betsy McIlvain and Greg LeMond


She was Lance's rep from Oakley. She admits to hearing Lance admitting he took drugs corroborating Betsy Andreau. She also says she expected wondered what Hincapie's kid would look like, since George took so many drugs! Riveting stuff!

Her name is Stephanie.
A link already exists somewhere in here, I think
Jul 15, 2010
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thatsallfolks said:
Lifted from the Velocast forum

tape between Betsy McIlvain and Greg LeMond


She was Lance's rep from Oakley. She admits to hearing Lance admitting he took drugs corroborating Betsy Andreau. She also says she expected wondered what Hincapie's kid would look like, since George took so many drugs! Riveting stuff!

Not only does it exist - I've cleaned it up so you can hear it properly


Let me know if anyone has any other "Interesting" tapes to be cleaned up:cool:
Mar 18, 2009
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Great. Now you can get the full sleaze of Lemond lying to get the confidence of a single mom raising a mentally handicapped child, a woman who lied on the stand about Armstrong to keep her job. Until I heard this tape I thought Lemond was a decent human being.
Feb 14, 2010
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Wallace said:
Great. Now you can get the full sleaze of Lemond lying to get the confidence of a single mom raising a mentally handicapped child, a woman who lied on the stand about Armstrong to keep her job. Until I heard this tape I thought Lemond was a decent human being.
I hope that means you're even more upset with Armstrong and Oakley for putting her in that position, if it's the case.
Jul 10, 2010
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slowspoke - nice tag, I like it. I wish I'd thot of it first!

The cleanup is - not much help, but a little better, I guess. I don't think there was anything I didn't get from the first link that I then got from the cleaned up version. Still way too much background crap.

Interesting tapes, tho. It doesn't quite sound like Greg, but who knows? I'm not going to say anything more for now. I'm having a chocolate crisis - my supply of semi-sweet is gone, and I'll have to do without. Sheesh. The (excrement) life brings us!

Best Regards --
Jul 10, 2010
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O - and you know what else? I hate that GH is turning out to be one of the doper-guys. It is more and more looking like there ain't no other way. And it is a shame, to me, cuz I like the guy.

<sigh> Life goes on.

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Ride on.
Aug 13, 2009
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Wallace said:
Great. Now you can get the full sleaze of Lemond lying to get the confidence of a single mom raising a mentally handicapped child, a woman who lied on the stand about Armstrong to keep her job. Until I heard this tape I thought Lemond was a decent human being.

I guess you would have just sat back and taken it while Armstrong ruins his business relationship with Trek?

It takes a lot to get worked up about Greg over that tape. You must be searching for something...anything.
Mar 18, 2009
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Race Radio said:
I guess you would have just sat back and taken it while Armstrong ruins his business relationship with Trek?

It takes a lot to get worked up about Greg over that tape. You must be searching for something...anything.

Greg's rich. He's a millionaire a few times over. Did you follow what happened in his Yellowstone development case? He hangs out in a resort with Bill Gates. He spends more money on his vacation home than I'll ever earn in my life (and I have a good job). His bike company is a hobby. He could spend the rest of his life on vacation.

Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.
Wallace said:
Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.

Yep. Nothing like the bind that Armstrong put her in by threatening her job, or the bind she put herself in by committing perjury.

Maybe next time you're busy "searching", you can spend some time "searching" the law to verify something is illegal before you spout off that it is:

Minn. Stat. § 626A.02: It is legal for a person to record a wire, oral or electronic communication if that person is a party to the communication, or if one of the parties has consented to the recording — so long as no criminal or tortious intent accompanies the recording.

Did he lie to her about recording it? It would appear so, but then she had shown a pretty good ability to lie herself, and under oath too.
Jul 29, 2010
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Wallace said:
Greg's rich. He's a millionaire a few times over. Did you follow what happened in his Yellowstone development case? He hangs out in a resort with Bill Gates. He spends more money on his vacation home than I'll ever earn in my life (and I have a good job). His bike company is a hobby. He could spend the rest of his life on vacation.

Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.

Thanks for providing us w/ the "facts"...do you work w/ Karl Rove??

I agree w/ you on the McIlvain tape. She asks straight out, "Are you recording this?", and he says no. I like GL but I admit that ventures into askhole territory. Granted, at the time LA is trying to throw him under the bus at Trek and also threatening to "find" 10 ppl who will say that Lemond doped. So Lemond was looking for ammunition. But, is it cool to lie to McIlvain? No.

However, the "Yellowstone Club" situation... from what I understand, Lemond bought into that at the very BEGINNING of the development, he was one of the original investors. He was not merely a property owner, he was a SHAREHOLDER. At the point in question, the developer had windfall sale opportunity of the entire development. In order to facilitate the sale, he tried to buy out Lemond and the other shareholders, based upon their current PROPERTY VALUE.

Lemond and the others argued that the purchase price of their shares should be based on their percentage of equity ownership -- not on the value of their homes. From what I understand, the court agreed and ruled in the favor of Lemond and the other shareholders.

Again, this is my cursory understanding of the situation. If this is not correct, pls enlighten us. However, your presentation of "the facts" here seems completely bogus and biased toward your dislike of the guy?

Further, I have no idea what Lemond's net worth is. Do you? I'm willing to hazard a guess that it's a pittance compared to JuanPelota's. Irregardless, does the man have a right legal representation in court against being railroaded by an unsavory real estate baron? Or no?? Just askin'...
May 23, 2010
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Wallace said:
Greg's rich. He's a millionaire a few times over. Did you follow what happened in his Yellowstone development case? He hangs out in a resort with Bill Gates. He spends more money on his vacation home than I'll ever earn in my life (and I have a good job). His bike company is a hobby. He could spend the rest of his life on vacation.

Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.

True, Greg lied about the recording. However, it's not clear he had a premeditaded plan to use the tape, inadmissible as it would be in a civil court proceeding.

As an aside, did you know that in the US the police can legally lie in an iterrogation of a suspect to try to get to the truth?


That's the key here - truth. Most of us just want the real story to come out and the lying about doping to stop. Stephanie comes across as sincere and honest. The recording is confirms details we've heard from others. It paints a picture very close to what most of the clinic discussions have covered. In that sense, a helpful affirmation. Even if you don't like Greg.
Oct 24, 2009
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Wallace said:
Greg's rich. He's a millionaire a few times over. Did you follow what happened in his Yellowstone development case? He hangs out in a resort with Bill Gates. He spends more money on his vacation home than I'll ever earn in my life (and I have a good job). His bike company is a hobby. He could spend the rest of his life on vacation.

Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.

I'm impressed with your intimate knowledge regarding the LeMond's (and their financial situation) and particularly impressed with your insight as to what ever motivations Greg may have for sharing this tape. Care to give us more?
Aug 13, 2009
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Wallace said:
Greg's rich. He's a millionaire a few times over. Did you follow what happened in his Yellowstone development case? He hangs out in a resort with Bill Gates. He spends more money on his vacation home than I'll ever earn in my life (and I have a good job). His bike company is a hobby. He could spend the rest of his life on vacation.

Yeah, when rich guy puts someone who is in a financially precarious situation in a bind--lies to them, manipulates their trust and then leaks the tape to the public because it's an illegal recording, it bothers me. I guess I'm really searching here.

Greg was far from rich at the time. This was 8 years prior to the Blixseth ruling. At the time the bike company was his main source of income. The recording was not illegal, but Stephanie's lying on the stand was.

Armstrong went out of his way to try to ruin Greg life. In addition to the tortious interference of Greg's relationship with Trek he also interfered with his other business relationships. He reached out to Tim Blixseth to see if he could help screw Greg, where do you think Tim got the idea from? Lance also hired a PR firm to smear Greg's name.

You are correct on one thing, you are really searching.
Mar 18, 2009
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Jagers said:
I'm impressed with your intimate knowledge regarding the LeMond's (and their financial situation) and particularly impressed with your insight as to what ever motivations Greg may have for sharing this tape. Care to give us more?

The tape couldn't be used in court. Greg made it, obviously. You can listen to it on the internet. I couldn't care less what his motivations are.

Listen, I hate Armstrong as much as anyone--yes, he's a cancer. I hope the current investigation ends up with him in jail. That doesn't mean anyone is justified in doing whatever they want to do to bring him down. Two wrongs don't... etc. It isn't a case of right (LeMond) vs. wrong (Armstrong). It's murky. And LeMond has, in my opinion, behaved very badly here--immorally. Disgustingly. Is he as bad as Armstrong? No--he didn't dope, and didn't dope his way to 7 Tour victories. What some people don't seem to grasp here--and this is my point--is that these are two entirely different matters.

LeMond summers in a guarded resort with Gates and Dan Quayle. I think the assumption that he's rich as hell, based on that, is fairly logical. He was a shareholder who refused to be bought out for 13 million. It's safe to say that his entry fee was more than you or I have in our savings accounts.

Yes, LA is richer than GL. Lance's monthly water bill is more than I earn in a year. That doesn't mean Greg isn't rich.

To tubeless: of course the police can lie in an interrogation. That doesn't mean that I can call up someone who thinks they're my friend, get in their confidence, and record them. I'm not the police. And neither is Greg LeMond.
Jul 29, 2010
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Wallace said:
Greg's rich...

Researching this further, I see that GL and 3 other individuals were original investors and bought a 4% stake in the Yellowstone venture. The venture is essentially a private ski mountain and accompanying luxury homes. The principal developer is described as a billionaire named Mr. Blixseth, who purchased the mountain on-the-cheap from the U.S. Forestry Service.

Blixseth then went out, secured $365M financing for the project from Credit Suisse, and then over the course of several years promptly bilked $280M of that money for his personal use and moved it amongst various "shell" holding corps.

At time of the proposed sale to another (larger) investor, Blixseth offered $13M to buy out GL/Co.'s 4% stake. Lemond cried foul, and the court ruled in GL's favor that the 4% stake was actually worth $39.5M, not $13M.

Lemond & Co. rec'd partial payment, but Blixseth defaulted on the rest. Blixseth AND his ex-wife are now both in bankruptcy. The ex-wife got the business venture in the divorce deal, and she is now suing to RECOVER payments made to Lemond & Co., saying that since the Yellowstone Club itself is in Chapter 11, no payments should ever have been made.

Who knows how much Lemond has actually rec'd... Who knows how how large his attorney's running tab is... And who knows what the original buy-in was to get the 4%... Similar to the pre-pre IPO stage of financing, my guess is he probably got in for several $M. Again at that point, it was merely a mountain and a set of blueprints...

Anyhoo, since you have a better grasp on GL being "rich", can you tell us what his total career earnings were? I mean, back in the day, the pros didn't make much. I think Hinault was making $100K when Lemond first turned pro. And it was HUGE (virtually scandalous) when GL became the first pro to sign a $1M contract (and that was over 3yrs, I think?). In terms of endorsement income, perhaps you've forgotten Lemond's Taco Bell commercial (It was not exactly "must-see TV")...

I have no idea if the guy is "rich". It's not like he's making $15M/yr in endorsements from the drug companies. :rolleyes:
Jul 3, 2010
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You are all searching for something to support your position and justify the actions of whomever you side with. You say you want the truth. From someone who spends a lot of time in court testifying as an expert fraud examiner, seems clear the truth is that the LA/GL/FL scuffle is symptomatic of a den of self-interested thieves all trying to take each other out and use the other side's bad acts to justify their own bad acts. None of them have clean hands. They have all opted to dive into the mud and ALL contributed to the denegration of the sport they claim to love. No sense arguing over whose hands are dirtiest or who did what to whom first.
Jul 23, 2009
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NashbarShorts said:
I agree w/ you on the McIlvain tape. She asks straight out, "Are you recording this?", and he says no. I like GL but I admit that ventures into askhole territory. Granted, at the time LA is trying to throw him under the bus at Trek and also threatening to "find" 10 ppl who will say that Lemond doped. So Lemond was looking for ammunition. But, is it cool to lie to McIlvain? No.
That's kind of how I feel too when I hear the recording. But when I consider what pressures GL was experiencing in his business life and also the attempts to smear his reputation, I can forgive him for choosing this legal albeit kind of slimy tactic. Especially when he believed that SM had lied in her testimony, which I cannot excuse even though she may have had pressure from LA and Oakley and notwithstanding her unfortunate situation at home.
May 23, 2010
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Wallace said:
The tape couldn't be used in court. Greg made it, obviously. You can listen to it on the internet. I couldn't care less what his motivations are.

Listen, I hate Armstrong as much as anyone--yes, he's a cancer. I hope the current investigation ends up with him in jail. That doesn't mean anyone is justified in doing whatever they want to do to bring him down. Two wrongs don't... etc. It isn't a case of right (LeMond) vs. wrong (Armstrong). It's murky. And LeMond has, in my opinion, behaved very badly here--immorally. Disgustingly. Is he as bad as Armstrong? No--he didn't dope, and didn't dope his way to 7 Tour victories. What some people don't seem to grasp here--and this is my point--is that these are two entirely different matters.

LeMond summers in a guarded resort with Gates and Dan Quayle. I think the assumption that he's rich as hell, based on that, is fairly logical. He was a shareholder who refused to be bought out for 13 million. It's safe to say that his entry fee was more than you or I have in our savings accounts.

Yes, LA is richer than GL. Lance's monthly water bill is more than I earn in a year. That doesn't mean Greg isn't rich.

To tubeless: of course the police can lie in an interrogation. That doesn't mean that I can call up someone who thinks they're my friend, get in their confidence, and record them. I'm not the police. And neither is Greg LeMond.

Since you're into comparing the immorality of Lemond and Armstrong, I'd love to hear a recording of the conversation between Stephanie and Armstrong which resulted in Stephanie lying about the hospital room incident in the SCA deposition. Timingwise, that would have been after this phone conversation. Stephanie was probably reminded of who her employer is and who is her employer's star athlete. Or perhaps not as subtle as that.

Soon Stephanie may tell that story to the grand jury - and if this thing ever goes to court, we may eventually learn whose morality is indeed higher. A trust-breaking lie, or an implied threat about your livelihood?
Mar 18, 2009
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Tubeless said:
Since you're into comparing the immorality of Lemond and Armstrong...

Sigh. That is exactly my point: I am NOT comparing their moralities. Armstrong is scum. LeMond behaved extremely badly in this matter. Two entirely different, unrelated, matters. Just because Armstrong is scum doesn't mean his enemies are entitled to behave however they want to bring him down.