First steps in distancing himself from any responsibility with regards to organizing and the structure of postal and discrediting the investigation that has occurred and shall ensue. Furthermore, seeking the truth about the potentially illegal activities and the way postal was run shall become a "witch hunt".
The grim reaper is beginning to iron his cloak......
""As long as we have a legitimate and credible and fair investigation I will be happy to co-operate but I'm not going to participate in any kind of witch hunt,
First steps in distancing himself from any responsibility with regards to organizing and the structure of postal and discrediting the investigation that has occurred and shall ensue. Furthermore, seeking the truth about the potentially illegal activities and the way postal was run shall become a "witch hunt".
"It was not my company, I didn't have a position, I didn't have an equity stake, I didn't have a profit stake, I didn't have a seat on the board. I was a rider on the team. I can't be any clearer than that,"
The grim reaper is beginning to iron his cloak......