No thread on this so far so here goes:
Pinotti makes the obvious statement that the penalties for doping must be more severe than the potential benefit. He also highlights the current points system as an issue.
Riders who themselves aggregate few points as they are riding int he service of team mates start to succumb to the WT points frenzy as contract renewal time approaches.
Some of my thoughts:
Suggestion 1: Only consider WT points for license renewals from a maximum of ten or fifteen riders from each team. This reduces the pressure to have all riders achieving points and restores the value of pointless domestiques.
It would change the dynamics of the contract renewals and marketability of riders, reducing the pressure to succumb to doping. It is also very easy to implement.
2. A penalty points system for teams based on doping infractions. DS/support staff all count.
Pinotti makes the obvious statement that the penalties for doping must be more severe than the potential benefit. He also highlights the current points system as an issue.
Riders who themselves aggregate few points as they are riding int he service of team mates start to succumb to the WT points frenzy as contract renewal time approaches.
Some of my thoughts:
Suggestion 1: Only consider WT points for license renewals from a maximum of ten or fifteen riders from each team. This reduces the pressure to have all riders achieving points and restores the value of pointless domestiques.
It would change the dynamics of the contract renewals and marketability of riders, reducing the pressure to succumb to doping. It is also very easy to implement.
2. A penalty points system for teams based on doping infractions. DS/support staff all count.