Nice, looks like I found this thread only a month too late. Oh well, I'm not that much into rating other people anyway with the obvious exception sweaty men cycling through Europe in skin tight suits.
But seriously, as much as talking about other people is part of human nature I think it's better not to turn forums into popularity contents which is what things like this eventually always end up as (no matter if it was intended that way or not). The "like feature" has pushed this forum further into that direction anyway and I think it has done so sufficiently already. So yeah, not a category, but my member award this year goes to all of you. Never change guys, you're all great as you are.
You're just bitter you didn't have a category tailor-made for you!
Anyway. Did anyone actually get a call? I didn't, which is a bit disappointed, since it means I'm probably not the number 1 shot putter on this forum.