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Feb 12, 2010
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Has Mick Rogers ever been involved/rumoured to be involved with doping. Not neccessarily a positive test but maybe just keeping bad company/having an unfortunate doctor.

Thanks in advance.


Aug 17, 2009
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No doubt Mick is an example of a clean pro cyclist. If it is rumored that he has associated with anyone questionable I am sure it was part of a legitimate training program.


Aug 17, 2009
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Mongol_Waaijer said:
I believe he might have been implicated in the T Mobile Freiburg transfusions, detailed by Sincewicz.

Lies all lies. How can you believe a cheater like Sincewicz. Pure scum.
Reverend_T_Preedy said:
Has Mick Rogers ever been involved/rumoured to be involved with doping. Not neccessarily a positive test but maybe just keeping bad company/having an unfortunate doctor.

Thanks in advance.

Patrick Sinkewitz claimed that Rogers was involved in doping while at T-Mobile and was a customer of Freiburg Clinic. Rogers of course denied all of this and I can't recall if Sinkewitz ever recanted the story. I believe they both came to T-mobile from Quik-Step (maybe) so maybe Sinkewitz knew something. He certainly won a bunch of world TT championships during those times.
Jan 19, 2010
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Part of a new game: Six degrees of Lance Armstrong linking any cycling to doping.

To whit: did Oscar Periero dope... Pierero rode on Phonak with Tyler Hamilton, who rode on Postal with Lance, so he has to be a doper.

Now, Mick Rogers - trained by Ferrari who was trained Lance. See how easy.

But you could have made it harder... Rogers rodes for HTC with Hincapie who was on Postal/Discovery with Lance. Therfore Rogers doped.

It is pretty easy to play this new game.
Squares said:
Part of a new game: Six degrees of Lance Armstrong linking any cycling to doping.

To whit: did Oscar Periero dope... Pierero rode on Phonak with Tyler Hamilton, who rode on Postal with Lance, so he has to be a doper.

Now, Mick Rogers - trained by Ferrari who was trained Lance. See how easy.

But you could have made it harder... Rogers rodes for HTC with Hincapie who was on Postal/Discovery with Lance. Therfore Rogers doped.

It is pretty easy to play this new game.

Sadly, not a single current rider needs six degrees. Most can be done in two maybe three.
Jun 16, 2010
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Squares said:
To whit: did Oscar Periero dope

That one's easy.


How do I know? It's simple. When Landis first got busted at the TdF, a clean second place rider would have said, "Great! I'm glad they're getting rid of the cheaters. That gives clean riders like me a chance to compete fairly."

But instead Peirero said "I don't want to take the yellow jersey under these conditions. I don't think they treated Landis fairly, blah, blah, blah." Then a month or two later when it was clear that Landis was going down, Oscar looked at the pot of gold waiting for him and changed his mind.

Aug 13, 2009
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Squares said:
Part of a new game: Six degrees of Lance Armstrong linking any cycling to doping.

To whit: did Oscar Periero dope... Pierero rode on Phonak with Tyler Hamilton, who rode on Postal with Lance, so he has to be a doper.

Now, Mick Rogers - trained by Ferrari who was trained Lance. See how easy.

But you could have made it harder... Rogers rodes for HTC with Hincapie who was on Postal/Discovery with Lance. Therfore Rogers doped.

It is pretty easy to play this new game.

Your obsession with Lance is getting worse.

My post had nothing to do with Wonderboy. Ferrari has doped dozens of riders over the decades. Professional riders are forbidden from working with him in Italy. You go to Ferrari for one reason, to dope. Rodgers used him until his team forced him to stop.

No need to bring your mancrush into every thread.
May 12, 2009
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Actually rather than association, I'd look at performance with Rogers.
His has been all over the place, which seems to be a frequent indicator of doping.
Apr 14, 2010
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slcbiker said:
Actually rather than association, I'd look at performance with Rogers.
His has been all over the place, which seems to be a frequent indicator of doping.

Um, actually, wouldn't that be an indicator of non PED use? PED's are usually associated with machine like performance where day after day riders are at top form with no 'bad' day. If you were using performances as an indication of doping,

I don't think Rogers performances would necessarily indicate doping use. He won 3 TT WC's many years ago when he focussed purely on TT's (and Cancellara wasn't yet on the scene and other good TTers like Ulrich and Lance didn't bother with the WCs) and thats about it appart from a couple of minor stage races. He won ToC (which despite protestations on this site is NOT the 4th grand tour) this year by a small margin over a couple of guys who aren't really GT threats and had a bad day in Romandie (and quite a few bad days in the Tour). Prior to that he's been a decent domestic for Virenque. A good rider with great physical attributes, but performances don't support that he's a definate doper.

Is he a doper, who knows (other than himself - and possibly his doctor), but I think its a wrong conclusion to say his performances indicate doping.
Oct 25, 2009
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Ferminal said:
The Ferrari link and T-Mobile link are lock ins. Didn't Michele tell Lance that he had the numbers to win the Tour?

I'd say he's relatively if not 100% clean now though.

A very good 5th in the WC TT today (a few years on from his last WC win) and GT performances over the years tell me he is is a consistently strong undoped rider on the slow wane (unless eucalyptus oil scent in the air spiked today's effort). Spartacus and Martin aside perhaps the field is coming back to his standard.
Ferminal said:
The Ferrari link and T-Mobile link are lock ins. Didn't Michele tell Lance that he had the numbers to win the Tour?

I'd say he's relatively if not 100% clean now though.

Based on what? He just woke up one day and decided that Dr. Ferrari and transfusions at Freiburg were not for him anymore? He then went on to beat Levi "High Off Score" Leipheimer at the Tour of California on a diet of bread and vegamite?
BroDeal said:
Based on what? He just woke up one day and decided that Dr. Ferrari and transfusions at Freiburg were not for him anymore? He then went on to beat Levi "High Off Score" Leipheimer at the Tour of California on a diet of bread and vegamite?

Based on not being able to finish in the top30 of a GT, a second-rate time trialist and uninspiring in general. If you were paying 50-100k for a Ferrari-esque regime you would want better results wouldn't you?

I didn't realise people were getting top ups in the fourth grand tour.
Ferminal said:
Based on not being able to finish in the top30 of a GT, a second-rate time trialist and uninspiring in general. If you were paying 50-100k for a Ferrari-esque regime you would want better results wouldn't you?

I didn't realise people were getting top ups in the fourth grand tour.

Rogers has always been vastly overrated. He has a few dubious world time trial championships gained through a combination of other riders being caught when he was not and the top time trialists not showing up. He has never been able to replicate those results in stage racing competition. The ToC is a huge win for him, and we are supposed to believe it came when he cleaned up his act? I don't think so.

Rogers is the Australian Tommy D.