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Mr contador

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saganftw said:
this thread needs its own subforum called english purists

its not like the rules have no purpose if you didnt have any punctuation you wouldnt know where one idea ran into the next people would interpret things differently which would cause more misunderstandings if you think thats ok then just try to read this paragraph or sentence theres no difference in this context.



Sep 24, 2009
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ellenbrook2001 said:
what a winker that contador when he had pollen allergie then not so good feeling wake shleck never attaked him even when shleck attacked him contador did ask him no need too attack we will cooperate then yesterday sheck had a bad day contador did see it then attaked him what a winger,****er,that why last year he didnt support lance mr contador hes so ambitious not a gentlemen i will never ever respected him anymore okie the best win but contador always do the dirty way hes a ****er????????

You're an okie?

A very hard working people. Good luck.
Apr 9, 2009
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saganftw said:
this thread needs its own subforum called english purists

Yes we are picky, insisting on the occasional period or comma, and noun-verb pairings and stuff. Really, we're snobs.

Funny how you're standing up for this gibberish.
Kennf1 said:
Yes we are picky, insisting on the occasional period or comma, and noun-verb pairings and stuff. Really, we're snobs.

Funny how you're standing up for this gibberish.

its cycling forum,instead of discussing opening post about cycling you have started to bash language skills...why? i dont get it,its poor english i see that too but i can understand what hes trying to say,i see no need to laugh,make jokes,if you dont want participate in discussion just leave
Jul 17, 2010
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saganftw said:
its cycling forum,instead of discussing opening post about cycling you have started to bash language skills...why? i dont get it,its poor english i see that too but i can understand what hes trying to say,i see no need to laugh,make jokes,if you dont want participate in discussion just leave

You can see poor English but you refuse to use an apostrophe, is that it? It is precisely because IT'S a forum that at least basic grammar rules should be observed. With incorrect use, sentences can become meaningless and their message unclear, not to mention it implies laziness in thinking. Nobody wants to sit here and decipher somebody's mangled message.
Jul 22, 2009
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Caulfield said:
You can see poor English but you refuse to use an apostrophe, is that it? It is precisely because IT'S a forum that at least basic grammar rules should be observed. With incorrect use, sentences can become meaningless and their message unclear, not to mention it implies laziness in thinking. Nobody wants to sit here and decipher somebody's mangled message.

lol. Nice first post. You should have registered Grammar Police.
May 15, 2010
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Caulfield said:
You can see poor English but you refuse to use an apostrophe, is that it? It is precisely because IT'S a forum that at least basic grammar rules should be observed. With incorrect use, sentences can become meaningless and their message unclear, not to mention it implies laziness in thinking. Nobody wants to sit here and decipher somebody's mangled message.

Google Translate is doing a more than adequate job of that, thank you very much.
Caulfield said:
You can see poor English but you refuse to use an apostrophe, is that it? It is precisely because IT'S a forum that at least basic grammar rules should be observed. With incorrect use, sentences can become meaningless and their message unclear, not to mention it implies laziness in thinking. Nobody wants to sit here and decipher somebody's mangled message.

im not native speaker,i have no real grammar training,i dont even know where do you use apostrophe in english coz in my language theres no such thing (not to mention i dont even know where s the apostrophe on my keyboard,i dont use english keyboard)...but i dont want to risk misplacing apostrophe and be the target of your jokes :D

im sorry that poor language skills offend you so much you cant stand it,but some ppl in the world dont speak english as well as you do,so pls have patience with us poor
Mar 16, 2009
saganftw said:
this thread needs its own subforum called english purists
Consider this question, asked by one zoo-keeper to another:

Without comma: Did the lion eat Fred?

With comma: Did the lion eat, Fred?

There is a crucial difference between the two sentences (especially to Fred).

Never underestimate the power of a comma!
krebs303 said:
Consider this question, asked by one zoo-keeper to another:

Without comma: Did the lion eat Fred?

With comma: Did the lion eat, Fred?

There is a crucial difference between the two sentences (especially to Fred).

Never underestimate the power of a comma!

i finally figured out why it bugged me you made jokes about OP,i ve been to many foreign countries and spoke to many english native speakers and nonnative speakers and i have never experienced that if i say (or write) something wrong ppl start to laugh at me and try to correct my language (simply because if they try to speak my language it makes bunnies cry)...so its my bad and i apologize

i underestimated the power of internet annonymity :)
Jul 18, 2010
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sagan, consider people only laughed at the language because the post's content was so incredibly stupid to start with.

It's not like this thread would suddenly be good if it was an Elizabethan sonnet.

You've repeatedly missed that bit.
nia O'Malley said:
sagan, consider people only laughed at the language because the post's content was so incredibly stupid to start with.

It's not like this thread would suddenly be good if it was an Elizabethan sonnet.

You've repeatedly missed that bit.

i havent seen this kind of behaviour in other stupid threads on this forum,i understand it as its easier to laugh than to prove the OP wrong :)
Mar 16, 2009
saganftw said:
i finally figured out why it bugged me you made jokes about OP,i ve been to many foreign countries and spoke to many english native speakers and nonnative speakers and i have never experienced that if i say (or write) something wrong ppl start to laugh at me and try to correct my language (simply because if they try to speak my language it makes bunnies cry)...so its my bad and i apologize

i underestimated the power of internet annonymity :)

I am corrected everyday in my use of Spanish. But I usually get a good laugh from it. no need to apologize. English is very difficult to learn as a second language. many native speakers are not very good at it;)
Jul 18, 2010
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ellenbrook2001 said:
what a winker that contador when he had pollen allergie then not so good feeling wake shleck never attaked him even when shleck attacked him contador did ask him no need too attack we will cooperate then yesterday sheck had a bad day contador did see it then attaked him what a winger,****er,that why last year he didnt support lance mr contador hes so ambitious not a gentlemen i will never ever respected him anymore okie the best win but contador always do the dirty way hes a ****er????????

First of all what is a "winker"? Secondly, what?????????????????????::eek:
Jul 18, 2010
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saganftw said:
im not native speaker,i have no real grammar training,i dont even know where do you use apostrophe in english coz in my language theres no such thing (not to mention i dont even know where s the apostrophe on my keyboard,i dont use english keyboard)...but i dont want to risk misplacing apostrophe and be the target of your jokes :D

im sorry that poor language skills offend you so much you cant stand it,but some ppl in the world dont speak english as well as you do,so pls have patience with us poor

At minimum, as stated earlier, if one can spell then they also are familiar with commas, periods and capitalizing the first letter in a sentence. I initially thought the post was a joke and replied as such. Still, life is a lifelong education and I'm sure the OP, myself and others here learn a thing or 2 in the time we spend here.
May 13, 2009
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So saganftw, instead of slagging off other posters, why don't you put the work in and translate the OP to something sensible which we then can all discuss?
Apr 5, 2010
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Huhuuhuh you wrong slek attacked only in the finishe then can you see today what happen shleck got an incident then contador attack what a winger,amstrong was rigth contador very selfish,ignorant,that why was a conflict last year i nrespect any riders but contador hes realy selfish i dont have any respect for him anymore he could take the yellown jersey in a better fashion has a gentlemen maybe hes spanish attitude
Apr 5, 2010
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thanks for descriminating me yes i just learning english hes not my language so has a gentlemen you have no rigth too descriminated me good for you if you natif language hes english
thanks again
god bless

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