I'm glad this thread has been given the respect it deserves

, but I do wonder why Sky got involved with such a relatively marginal sport (in revenue terms) in the first place. I can't help but think that Murdoch wants more than just a logo on a mediocre

bicycle outfit.
I have upgraded my conspiracy theory to orange alert and expanded on a few comments:
UCI regime change - who is waiting in the wings to succeed PM once he takes gardening leave? It's clear the big teams would all enjoy a little mutual backscratching with the governors, and this is facilitated by getting the right person to the top and donating them money (cf. historical favouritism for JB's teams). You would hope that any self-respecting team has someone on the inside lobbying for their cause and Murdoch is better placed than others to pull this off.
Ok then, with a new puppet at the UCI making sure Sky get the heads up on testing, covering up positives and simultaneously saying how wonderfully clean cycling is now that we've washed our hands of PM/JB and LA (this bit needs filling in...

), Sky magically start winning and performing out of their socks.
In order to crack America they need home grown stars. Where do the new Livestrong generation of riders turn now that the path of Armstrong has proven false? Why, only the most successful team of the moment - Sky!
(Keep up)
Now Sky have their winning team (full of wholesome farm boys, poster boys and paper-sales-friendly boys) they can start to throw their weight about in regard to which races they will lend their media appeal to by simply showing up. I reckon the North American race organisers will be falling over themselves quicker than MC to have Sky on board (especially since their investments have taken a terrible tumble with the demise and fall of LA).
What the US badly needs though, is a 3-week grand tour of its own to really whet the appetite of Joe Sixpack and loosen his wallet (imagine the phenomenal media spectacle of a Tour of America, proving that the US of A can beat the Europeans and particularly the French at their own game), if only there was a kindly billionaire media magnate who was interested in cycling, and could... hang on a minute!!!
(I need to get something down about newspaper owners being the founding fathers of the grand tours and their reasons for doing so. No time, no time.)
Of course, continued doping would be intrinsic to this masterplan in order to produce the greatest feats of endurance ever seen in a bicycle race. So if we concentrate heavily on LA, turning him from one time inspirational superhero through to cheating liar and fame hungry dope fiend into sacrificial lamb and kick him (and hence drugs in the public's perception) out of the sport we can carry on as normal and forget the whole nasty business.
You couldn’t make it up, although I just did.
And Mr T’s new catchphrase for Snickers is, “Get some nuts!”, now I’m sure I can work that into a Masterfoods vs. Lance thread.