OK, it seems that we're only talking about the mobile platform so far, correct?
Today was the first day that I noticed the new layout when viewing from my phone.
It looks like a nice, clean design, but a few things jumped out right away.
When clicking on a feature article, the first thing that seems to appear are links to
other related articles (presumably older ones?). These same links will usually appear at the END of an article, which makes perfect sense. But there is no reason to start an article with links to other related articles from the past—unless you're trying to make it more difficult to simply read the most recent article (the one that was selected from the main page to begin with).
Then I noticed the red, floating "feedback" button, which I clicked on because, much to my dismay, the photo galleries still aren't function correctly (if at all).
When clicking on a thumbnail, that image then has a yellow border around it to indicate that it has been selected. But then nothing happens. Nothing. The main image remains the same. I can click and select any number of thumbnails (and their border then becomes highlighted in yellow), but the larger image above never changes to that image. So, once again, the CN photo gallery is completely useless.
I'm not meaning to be excessively rude about this, but I, as well as others, have raised the specific issues of failed photo galleries for some time now. If that feature doesn't become functional, then seriously, don't bother with anything else. Just call it day. Sorry for being so blunt, but it is nearly 2015.
I tried to report this using the feedback option available, but that was proving to be too time consuming. It didn't seem to allow me to type in horizontal mode on my phone (iphone5), only in vertical mode—which makes typing much more cumbersome. So here I am.
Re: The Feedback function
Ugghh...the process needs to be simplified.
This is what I encounter:
What type of feedback do you want to give about cyclingnews.com?
Select one option:
A Feedback about the new site design
B Complaint
C Praise or positive feedback
D Technical problems or Bug
Who designed those options?

Seriously? Those couldn't be condensed to two, at the most?
Next window:
Please tell us about your feedback.
If you have a problem with the site, please tell us what device you're using so we can replicate it.
As to the opening sentence there: Was that translated from another language?
So what is you're looking for here? The type of device I'm using, as well as my "feedback"?
Because the next options are:
If you would like us to respond directly to your feedback, please leave your email (optional).
How satisfied are you with cycling news.com?
How likely is it that you would recommend cyclingnews.com to a friend or colleague?
After which I am presented with a "Submit" button.
Look, I was simply trying to inform you that the photo galleries are still not functioning. That was it. But now I've wasted way more time on this than I had ever intended.
So...good luck?