I won't comment on positioning.
But, in terms of recovery (sore quads). I used to experience the same after Monday night club races - short, very intense, and not finishing riding until 9:00pm meant aching legs most of the night and little sleep.
I have found a lot of relief using compression garments and doing a few key things after a ride. The first is to get plenty of fluids and simple sugars in in the first 30mins post ride, second, compression garments. I avoid the overpriced "brand-names" and use compression stockings they use in the hospital and before I had these, I used leg warmers. Finally, I speed up the process by elevating my legs as much as possible. If I watch some TV, I lie on the couch with my legs elevated above the rest of my body. If I'm seated I put my legs on something so they are equal height with my backside.
Of the above, the leg elevation and compression garments are what I've found to be best.