It would obviously be perfect if Dan Martin could follow Contador, but they realised before the stage even began with 2016 in mind, according to Holm, that Martin most likely wouldn't be able to follow Contador on Peille. It was the most realistically, as he stated multiple times, so QS was in the perfect situation when Sky/Henao had burned themselves out to attack Henao on Eze, possibly distance him and maybe bridge to Contador with Cruz - that was the only chance of winning. Small possibility, but the only one.
I don't wan't to allow this to get into yet another Contador-debate as I think we have enough of them (and its frankly annoying), only stating what Holm said (which honestly 99% of the time come across as very well thought out).
EDIT: IMO, when Holm explained the tactic, it was the best shot at winning P-N. I dno whats to critique about that. its about being as realistic as possible, Contador is a better climber and is in an aggressive position while Sky/Henao was in a defensive position - the tactic basically revolved around taking the most advantage of that.
I don't wan't to allow this to get into yet another Contador-debate as I think we have enough of them (and its frankly annoying), only stating what Holm said (which honestly 99% of the time come across as very well thought out).
EDIT: IMO, when Holm explained the tactic, it was the best shot at winning P-N. I dno whats to critique about that. its about being as realistic as possible, Contador is a better climber and is in an aggressive position while Sky/Henao was in a defensive position - the tactic basically revolved around taking the most advantage of that.