In addition to the teams, the riders themselves have a certain degree of responsibility here too. Since there was no specific restart time it would make sense to stay close to the front of the stoppage point, even if folks needed to go back to cars to get warmer clothes and food. It's like getting to the airport and despite the plane already being there, something needed fixing and the airline posted that there is a 3-hour delay. One could go to a distant airport restaurant order a big meal, have several beers, and saunter back to the gate in 2 hrs. I almost missed a flight once because they ended up fixing the problem much more quickly than anticipated so instead of a 3-yr delay they were boarding folks just 45 minutes after the original departure time. When there is a delay--in sport, in life, where ever--the length of a delay is always an estimate. Riders who didn't want to get left behind or scrambling madly when the race restarted needed to be somewhat cognizant of that.