Riders to keep an eye on:
- anyone in a breakaway e.g. Belgian or N-French (often local) riders like Van Lerberghe, Van Asbroeck, Van Moer,...
- a big group of favourites and sub-favourites (those will have a bigger chance playing a role if they are allowed in the breakaway or if they survive and are allowed to go up the road) like Rex, Naesen, Walscheid, Naesen, Pedersen, Mozzato, Politt, Sheffield, Tarling, Lampaert, Trentin, Turner, Degenkolb,... Curious to see what Merlier, Milan and Wellens can do.
- the obvious top favourite, MvdP, and his side-kick who I consider the second favourite: Philipsen.
The fact that Philipsen is in MvdP's team, makes him the only rider not being chased by MvdP, which is an amazing advantage.