mewmewmew13 said:
It's over for him...he's been outed for what he was.
I'm movin' on and can't wait to put Armstrong behind.
It doesn't matter if he confesses or not. And he won't.
I agree that it is over for him, but a confession (and I know it is extremely unlikely that we will ever hear one) would take away any shred of doubt that a surprising many people still seem to have.
Without a confession can we ever really put Lance behind? Won't there always be some people repeating "500 tests and not one positive"? I realize that a confession wont fix those 7 tours, and yes, I know it is extremely likely that a good portion of the peloton was doping during those years (which is not and should not be a justification in any way!) but it is really the only way I can foresee true closure to that era.
On top of that, a confession would be one more nail the the UCI's coffin. While McQuaid and friends condemned Lance they managed to tip toe around any responsibility they might have had, which in my opinion makes them look even worse - all of this was going on right under their noses and they did not have a single suspicion.