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Post Cocaine symptoms

Aug 6, 2009
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Maybe Tom could have made it through the TDF and L'AIn if he wasn't continually snorting coke up his million dollar nose. But alas, he is sick...oghhhh poor poor poor Tom. Wake up to to yourself Tom and be professional about your job. You're an amazing rider but you are throwing it away little by little until your bubble is gonna burst and then your career is over....what a waste of talent.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbie's brother)
Jun 19, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Maybe Tom could have made it through the TDF and L'AIn if he wasn't continually snorting coke up his million dollar nose. But alas, he is sick...oghhhh poor poor poor Tom. Wake up to to yourself Tom and be professional about your job. You're an amazing rider but you are throwing it away little by little until your bubble is gonna burst and then your career is over....what a waste of talent.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbie's brother)

I wasn't in the room but his behaviour was established before he joined Bruyneel & Co. Off record conversations had him pegged as a major partier early on; before he'd really hit the jackpot. Changing that lifestyle might be really tough.
Aug 6, 2009
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Maybe so...a leopard can't change it's spots and all that, BUT Tom knew as an intelligent neo-pro that party drugs and professional road cycling do not mix nor tolerate each other. He has had ALOT of years at the top watching plenty of other riders 'go down' for drug issues and anyone with half a brain and God knows how many millions of dollars would have sought help...not just do the drugs you can use out of competition, and then try to squirm through a tiny legal loophole to get off. Cycling is BIGGER than any one rider, no matter who it is, and all drug cheats/users/abusers need to treated with the same big stick so as to send a message to the next generation and the sporting public who adore these amazing athletes...most of em anyway.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbies brother)
Jun 18, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Maybe Tom could have made it through the TDF and L'AIn if he wasn't continually snorting coke up his million dollar nose. But alas, he is sick...oghhhh poor poor poor Tom. Wake up to to yourself Tom and be professional about your job. You're an amazing rider but you are throwing it away little by little until your bubble is gonna burst and then your career is over....what a waste of talent.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbie's brother)

Is Ross McEwen a medical professional? How does he know what's currently ailing Boonen? Robbie a little bitter at Tom dominating him?
Aug 6, 2009
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Yes I am actually. I am a Clinical Neurological Nurse who works with detox patients, ETOH abusers (thats ethyl alcohol), cocaine and heroin. These drugs/poisons run your body down, attack your immune system, cause depression in the long term and general malaise and common sickness' such as flu's and colds. The problems usually start when the user stops having them 'recreationally' and begins to abuse them habitually- they need them to operate normally.
Hope this answers your question.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbies brother)
richwagmn said:
Is Ross McEwen a medical professional? How does he know what's currently ailing Boonen? Robbie a little bitter at Tom dominating him?

Lol. Ouch.

But in all fairness, I don't see cocaine impacting a cyclists performance one way or the other--esp. when it's used out of competition. Maybe you'd be a bit tired on the training ride the next day, I dunno, but it never did more to me than cause an occasional sleepless night.
Aug 6, 2009
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richwagmn said:
Is Ross McEwen a medical professional? How does he know what's currently ailing Boonen? Robbie a little bitter at Tom dominating him?

Tom dominates everybody when he's in form and clean...no arguement. "BITTER", Robbie wants Tom to get better asap and rejoin the peloton, most of which are good mates and there for other when needed.
Aug 6, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Tom dominates everybody when he's in form and clean...no arguement. "BITTER", Robbie wants Tom to get better asap and rejoin the peloton, most of which are good mates and there for other when needed.

Mate I have nothing personal against people going out and having the occasional pill or powder but when, as in Tom s case, you have responsibilities, committments, contracts, impressional young fans and a massively successful career....it's just not the right thing to do. Once ....ok, twice.....well ok but this is your last chance......third time... seek serious help. I'm not Tom bashing here but I'm sick of reading the 'oh poor Tom, he is just underso much pressure" media spin doctoring.

I want him to get better, get off the gear and once more blow us all away with his superhuman feats of endurance and tactics...thats all.
Rosscoe888 said:
Tom dominates everybody when he's in form and clean...no arguement. "BITTER", Robbie wants Tom to get better asap and rejoin the peloton, most of which are good mates and there for other when needed.

Thanks for that post! After the whole Astana conflict thing this year it's been easy to forget that the peloton is mostly composed of athletes who, though fiercely competitive on it, are friends and mutual admirers off the bike. :)

Thanks for reminding me why I love cycling.
Aug 6, 2009
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mr. tibbs said:
Thanks for that post! After the whole Astana conflict thing this year it's been easy to forget that the peloton is mostly composed of athletes who, though fiercely competitive on it, are friends and mutual admirers off the bike. :)

Thanks for reminding me why I love cycling.

Exactamundo MR Tibbs.....can't you just feeeeel the love between these guys, They do like each other they look out for other, they spend 9 months every year riding side by side talking about anything and everthing and half of them are best mates off the bike.

ThankYou for seeing my point.

Ross McEWen (yes Robbies brother)
Mar 19, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Maybe Tom could have made it through the TDF and L'AIn if he wasn't continually snorting coke up his million dollar nose. But alas, he is sick...oghhhh poor poor poor Tom. Wake up to to yourself Tom and be professional about your job. You're an amazing rider but you are throwing it away little by little until your bubble is gonna burst and then your career is over....what a waste of talent.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbie's brother)

What's your intent on posting this here? Is there no better way of helping him than berating him in this distant forum? Will that "snap him out of it? If you know addiction . . you know it's not that easy.

Is he wasting his talent? That depends on how you view him . . . as an athlete who wins and makes lots of people lots of money . . or as a human being like you, me and everyone else who is learning their way through life. I don't know about you . . . but my life didn't come with a manual that said this is how to grow to be a healthy human being.

Tom's addicted . Join the club. . . we're all addicted to something at one time or another and to say deny that is only to fool oneself. It doesn't have to be a foreign substance . . it can be as simple as food, sex, exercise, greed, the internet, work . . etc. Anything can be addictive.

I don't know Tom . . . or anything about him . . . but I know addiction. . . . and the pressures of people telling you to "get better soon" can be as much of a detriment to his actually changing as the addiction itself. He's not a robot that just needs a little tuning so he can get back to work. This is life . . . and there isn't any script for how it would, should, or could play out. From my own experience . . . there wasn't a damm thing anyone could do to help me until I was ready to help myself. Even then . . . there's than self defeating little mother f'er voice in the back of my head that is hell bent on keeping things just as they are . . . in chaos. . . .because chaos is comfortably numbing. Until one is willing to feel what they are feeling . . . .and not run away . . . . . life will be like bad video game.
Jun 18, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Yes I am actually. I am a Clinical Neurological Nurse who works with detox patients, ETOH abusers (thats ethyl alcohol), cocaine and heroin. These drugs/poisons run your body down, attack your immune system, cause depression in the long term and general malaise and common sickness' such as flu's and colds. The problems usually start when the user stops having them 'recreationally' and begins to abuse them habitually- they need them to operate normally.
Hope this answers your question.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbies brother)

Do you have some information as to how often Boonen is using? I assume he's still tested regularly. No positives since last spring would lead one to believe he isn't using often.

Again, I'm not sure your diagnosis from a far is accurate unless you have some inside information that the rest of us don't.
Jun 19, 2009
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richwagmn said:
Do you have some information as to how often Boonen is using? I assume he's still tested regularly. No positives since last spring would lead one to believe he isn't using often.

Again, I'm not sure your diagnosis from a far is accurate unless you have some inside information that the rest of us don't.

As Lostintime mentioned; stopping isn't that simple. Having lost a wife and a sister to "recreational use" you can't even judge the personality type most susceptible and telling them to snap out of it doesn't work. I could leave it alone because the boring late night conversations with really stooopid people made me realize how close you can come to being in the same boat. Tom likely has been surrounded by syncophantic hero worshipers that won't go away until he's a broken wreck. Hopefully he won't go that far.
Jun 18, 2009
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Oldman said:
As Lostintime mentioned; stopping isn't that simple. Having lost a wife and a sister to "recreational use" you can't even judge the personality type most susceptible and telling them to snap out of it doesn't work. I could leave it alone because the boring late night conversations with really stooopid people made me realize how close you can come to being in the same boat. Tom likely has been surrounded by syncophantic hero worshipers that won't go away until he's a broken wreck. Hopefully he won't go that far.

Sure, I understand the issues with addiction. I'm still unsure what inside information this person has to make his accusations about Boonen's performance. Most medical professionals would refrain from making a diagnosis without access to the patient or to his records.

If he's suffering from an addiction, I can't understand why there haven't been more positives (does coke leave your body that quickly?)
Jun 19, 2009
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richwagmn said:
Sure, I understand the issues with addiction. I'm still unsure what inside information this person has to make his accusations about Boonen's performance. Most medical professionals would refrain from making a diagnosis without access to the patient or to his records.

If he's suffering from an addiction, I can't understand why there haven't been more positives (does coke leave your body that quickly?)

Don't know but also don't know how often they'd bother to check. There is a distinct forgiveness about the subject in all major league sports until a public backlash makes it an issue. As for IF he's suffering; that seem's pretty clear. He's functional to the point of racing well but that's also a pattern of work/reward that coke addicts embrace.
Jul 17, 2009
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if the reward for wining Paris Roubaix 2 twice is snorting lines off 16 year old (allegedly)eurotrash chick chest and abs in every rave club south of Oslo then sign me up. that alone is worth all the work it took to get there.

Dude deserves more props IMHO
Mar 19, 2009
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Boeing said:
if the reward for wining Paris Roubaix 2 twice is snorting lines off 16 year old (allegedly)eurotrash chick chest and abs in every rave club south of Oslo then sign me up. that alone is worth all the work it took to get there.

Dude deserves more props IMHO

A healthy person would not need to snort lines to celebrate though. If that's why someone races . . that's pretty f'd up.

It's also the line every addict in the world gives . . . ."I took a little X because I was just celebrating . . can't a guy celebrate?"
Mar 18, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Mate I have nothing personal against people going out and having the occasional pill or powder but when, as in Tom s case, you have responsibilities, committments, contracts, impressional young fans and a massively successful career....it's just not the right thing to do. Once ....ok, twice.....well ok but this is your last chance......third time... seek serious help. I'm not Tom bashing here but I'm sick of reading the 'oh poor Tom, he is just underso much pressure" media spin doctoring.

I want him to get better, get off the gear and once more blow us all away with his superhuman feats of endurance and tactics...thats all.

That's what I like about sprinters. They leave their disputes on the road ... mostly!

While I agree with your sentiments Ross, one thing to remember is that we don't know how many cyclists are enjoying a few snorts of cocaine away from racing. Boonen was unlucky because he lives in a country where they report out-of-season test result. France do not, so French riders could be happily snorting away with no repercussions at all. If Boonen lived in France, then his positives would not have been reported and he would not have been ostracized as he has been.

I am not sure about you, but I would to know what I would have done if I was that rich and talented at such a young age. I did some pretty stupid things as it was, I am sure I would have done a lot more stupid things on a lot larger scale if I had the money and the stardom. We are all fallible, and professional cyclists are no different. Yes, they are in the public eye, but they signed up to be cyclists and not necessarily role models. I agree that that comes part-and-parcel with any high exposure athlete or celebrity, but I also don't expect them to act like saints. I know I certainly didn't during my representative rugby tours!
Aug 6, 2009
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Cocaine is detectable by Urinalysis for roughly 24 to 48 hours.

Cocaine stays in your system for 2 to 3 days, and is detectable in *urineCalcium - urine
*Calcium urine test
*Chloride - urine
*Cortisol - urine
*Electrolytes - urine
*Glucose test - urine
*Hcg in urine
*Ketones - urine
*Kidney - blood and urine flow
*Lh urine test (home test)
*Ph urine test for the same amount of time.
Drink lots of water, 10 to 14 cups per day.. you will pee a lot.[/B

Lets call this user *john*....I am a cocaine Drug abuse addict (snorting) and have been trying for three years to stop.IT has been a very hard thing to stop because it is a mental addiction.Even when I try not to think about it ,some how i do.When trying to stop you have to change everything even the things you dont want to change. I have put together months at a time away from it but always relapse after a while. I know I want to stop and have tried A/A and N/A. I also have been in programs and all these things have not worked so far,my question is what else can I do? I am getting very tired of going to all these programs. I want to go back to school and i am starting to do healthy things,I think I need to stop focusing so much on this drug and start to focus on getting my life in order. Maybe i am putting myself on ,thinking this will help but I have to start doing something different.

An innocent question by stacy,

Hi, I've been thinking of trying cocain for the first time, I was wondering about its addictive properties, I was also wondering if it would interfere with the medication that I take now, which is Effexor an antidepressant

A short story by PETE TO STACY,
you are on the med for a reason.. cocaine is a very shortlived high. believe me it is not worth it. it is expensive, and will definitly affect your med from working. simply by making you eventually skipping your dose, and not eating right. please, try to explore other avenues for exitement... i am doing my best to quit this ****... i started lifting weights again, which is a big step for me and the adrenaline rush i get from that is as close to happiness as i have been in a while... even sex is better. i hope its not too late, and perhaps even if you have already tried it, you didnt like it. there have been two people i know who went to the hospital the FIRST TIME they ever tried it... BESIDES, COCAINE CAUSES ANXIETY, YOU DONT NEED TO BE DEPRESSED AND ANXIOUS DO YOU?

by To Annemarie and Stacy from Tina, Mar 06, 2000 12:00AM
Okay Annemarie, I could have written your letter - same amount of time, same school goals, same frustrations. At least for me, when I'm not doing blow, I remember it as being much more fun that it actually was. I've been scouring the web for the past few days trying to find some reasonable way to deal, and one thing I found was Rational Recovery (http://www.rational.org/recovery). The site has kind of a goofy setup and they're really opposed to any 12-step program, but it definitely has some good ideas about personal strength in overcoming addictions. I hope this is the sort of info you were looking for. Tina

STACY - My boyfriend takes Lithium for depression and coke totally screws up any benefit he gets from it. You would probably love cocaine because the high is so great compared to taking an antidepressant at first. Please, please, please don't do it. It's just that much harder to have any meds work for you normally, and coke makes depression a lot worse. If Effexor isn't working as well as you think it should, talk to your doctor about your prescription. I've witnessed my boyfriend in extreme pain (worse than before he started taking Lithium) because of the antidepressant-cocaine combo. Please don't even risk it. Tina
by mschelle38@hotmail.com, Apr 16, 2000 12:00AM
I messed around with some cocaine nine days ago. I actually snorted what would fit under my nail into my nostrils twice. before that I had never done it. I just started a great job and found out that I have to take a drug test in a couple of days. Do I need to buy a cleansing product or am I okay. I could kick myself because I didn't want to do it and didn't even like it!
Jun 18, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Cocaine is detectable by Urinalysis for roughly 24 to 48 hours.

Got it. Thanks for the info.

Again, I don't know his situation but I hope he's getting whatever help he needs. Be a shame to lose him from the peloton.
Apr 30, 2009
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Experience Leads

Rosscoe888 said:
Maybe so...a leopard can't change it's spots and all that, BUT Tom knew as an intelligent neo-pro that party drugs and professional road cycling do not mix nor tolerate each other. He has had ALOT of years at the top watching plenty of other riders 'go down' for drug issues and anyone with half a brain and God knows how many millions of dollars would have sought help...not just do the drugs you can use out of competition, and then try to squirm through a tiny legal loophole to get off. Cycling is BIGGER than any one rider, no matter who it is, and all drug cheats/users/abusers need to treated with the same big stick so as to send a message to the next generation and the sporting public who adore these amazing athletes...most of em anyway.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbies brother)

Tom appears to be an addict. Duh! That's the long and short of it. He cheats everybody, but he really doesn't owe anybody anything. It would have been nice if he wanted to excel, but he was afraid, so he has to hide. What a waste. Not him (well him too), but the machinations of the media and all the courts of intervention. He needs attention, but so we have to give it to him, over and over? Thank you Ross for speaking up and risking something, brother or not. Robbie let it all hang out and delivered. I hope we get a chance to see him again, soon. Robbie had guts.
Jun 16, 2009
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Rosscoe888 said:
Yes I am actually. I am a Clinical Neurological Nurse who works with detox patients, ETOH abusers (thats ethyl alcohol), cocaine and heroin. These drugs/poisons run your body down, attack your immune system, cause depression in the long term and general malaise and common sickness' such as flu's and colds. The problems usually start when the user stops having them 'recreationally' and begins to abuse them habitually- they need them to operate normally.
Hope this answers your question.

Ross McEwen (yes Robbies brother)

As a medical professional you should recognize that Tom is just treating his ADD/ADHD

"First it is important to realize that all of the stimulant drugs prescribed for ADHD/ADD are closely related to some illegal street drugs. These include dextroamphetamine (dexedrine) (street name: "dexies"), methamphetamine (street name: "crystal meth"), and, of course, cocaine. "