Rosscoe888 said:
Maybe Tom could have made it through the TDF and L'AIn if he wasn't continually snorting coke up his million dollar nose. But alas, he is sick...oghhhh poor poor poor Tom. Wake up to to yourself Tom and be professional about your job. You're an amazing rider but you are throwing it away little by little until your bubble is gonna burst and then your career is over....what a waste of talent.
Ross McEwen (yes Robbie's brother)
What's your intent on posting this here? Is there no better way of helping him than berating him in this distant forum? Will that
"snap him out of it? If you know addiction . . you know it's not that easy.
Is he wasting his talent? That depends on how you view him . . . as an athlete who wins and makes lots of people lots of money . . or as a human being like you, me and everyone else who is learning their way through life. I don't know about you . . . but my life didn't come with a manual that said this is how to grow to be a healthy human being.
Tom's addicted . Join the club. . . we're all addicted to something at one time or another and to say deny that is only to fool oneself. It doesn't have to be a foreign substance . . it can be as simple as food, sex, exercise, greed, the internet, work . . etc.
Anything can be addictive.
I don't know Tom . . . or anything about him . . . but I know addiction. . . . and the pressures of people telling you to "get better soon" can be as much of a detriment to his actually changing as the addiction itself. He's not a robot that just needs a little tuning so he can get back to work. This is life . . . and there isn't any script for how it would, should, or could play out. From my own experience . . . there wasn't a damm thing anyone could do to help me until I was ready to help myself. Even then . . . there's than self defeating little mother f'er voice in the back of my head that is hell bent on keeping things just as they are . . . in chaos. . . .because chaos is comfortably numbing. Until one is willing to feel what they are feeling . . . .and not run away . . . . . life will be like bad video game.