OK, then what is your point in pointing out that he used arrow bars and finished 33 seconds ahead of Marie? My conclusion is that you wrote it because of what you I previously wrote, ie to downplay how extraordinary the GL performance was. If you have another way to spin it then I am all ears.
BTW, have you done the math on extrapolating this last TT on onto the earlier one? You know the earlier TT.....the one where he was fresh and didn't blow up on a mountain 4 days earlier.
The math says Marie would've finished 1:36 behind GL on a 73 km TT, and Fignon would've finish 2:49 behind.
Why is this interesting? One it is alot of time and puts things more in context, to the contrary of CW/knee jerk GL defense mechanisms in this forum.
Secondly, it makes one scratch one's head and wonder why ultimobici pointed out the narrow margin of 47 secs between Fignon and GL in the earlier TT. It makes my point that the last one was "extraordinary" compared to that one when you look at the extrapolated numbers.
Yet, he offers it up as some type of proof of the opposite in his long baffling post that is now the desktop background on Escarabajo's computer. He writes Fignon had a jour sans yet he finished 3rd in a TT that I argue more riders than he or GL cared to win. Of course, I concede the point this is conjecture but I think it is more logical than what is being floated by him or pmcg76. YMMV.
That, along with the fact he noted that Fignon had a better team that could shelter him more, tend to him more, throughout the GT. That also makes GL's last performance more "extraordinary" since theoretically GL had to spend more energy fending for himself.