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Pro Cycling Manager - anyone played it



ok.. firstly.. yes a computer game, so a bit off topic, but until they create a general area it will have to go in road, it is a road computer game if nothing else...

anyone else played or play this.. .Have just started playing the 2007 season (with an add on pack to update it to 2008 riders and teams) and its actually damn good.. i was surprised, only two races in, but cavvy has had a couple of wins and ed-bo-ha has won a minor stage race for me.. its a bit daunting as not only do you have to do all of the in race instructions, but also all the backroom stuff like booking training camps....


(hoping someone else has played it so they can give me advice, cos im allready up to my neck in bits of paper with dates on, training ideas and whatnot... dont think im cut out to be a team manager)

oh.. 2008 version struggled on my machine - 2mhz, 2gig ram.. the 2007 version runs like a dream.. theres demos of 2008 on there site, and a demo of 2007 on the net if you google..

im addicted.. :D


will do.. the 2007 one i went with cos theres three patches for it, and rumoured to be bug free... wait for the screams when im leading the giro with two stages to go and it dies on me...

i did install the 2008 add on though written by fans that fixes a lot of glitches as well...
Mar 13, 2009
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It's not too hard to figure out all the backroom stuff. Just make sure you target the goals you've been given and not to tire out the riders.
I bought it last year, my current campaign with the 2008 edition has a team with Boonen, Cancellara, Pozzato, Contador, Both Schlecks, Nibali, Kreuziger and LL Sanchez (as top riders). Not very realistic in that sense, but still pretty cool to have all those guys together ;) I ended up winning every single stage of the 2010 TDF.


ok.. im still happily in january 2008 (using the 2007 game upgraded)...

first question before i get too involved and fill my calender...

HOW IMPORTANT ARE TRAINING CAMPS... ive sent a bunch of my riders off cobble training prior to the classics... but does it have an effect.. how often in a season do you need to have them.. do they tire them out etc.. in other words, if they are not racing should they be training...
Mar 13, 2009
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They do tire them and the skills become better for like 10 weeks. So prior to the tdf you should send all your riders to a time-trial training camp (for the ttt) and like 2 times 5 days to a mountain training camp. Their skills will improve signifantly and they will be better in the grand tour.
Mar 11, 2009
This is the best cycling game ever made I've got the 2007 and 2008 version. I play it every day I like the maneging part the most (The training and scouting). Only minor thing is the 3D races are a little to easy to win.:)

R. Förster


i think im gonna have to buy a planner, and use it to pencil in races, rough squads in advance, and then organise training around it.. theres a lot of work involved.. :/
Mar 10, 2009
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I've played every version of Cycling Manager since the first in 1999. It is an awesome game. The best versions made are Pro Cycling Manager 2006 and Pro Cycling Manager 2008. I don't think it is buggy at all, especially with the current patch. I like to add me into the game. Makes it even more interesting. I'm a classic rider (in game only). I get all of my updates and extra's for the game from http://www.pcmdaily.com/news.php Just need to register first, but heaps of nice add ons for the game.

Initially it takes a little while to plan your year ie. when your want your riders to peak, etc.

for those who find it too easy to win, some suggestions, move the level up to Hard. I still can't win much on Extreme, so play on hard where I win lots but still hard to win all that I want. Keep the stats of your riders realistic or even slightly lower. Don't do the training camps just before the TdF. Don't attack on the downhill or mountain close to the finish line. Unfortunately they haven't made the AI to attack with you on the downhill, which would have made the game perfect if they had of.

Also if you play online, the cheats make the online AI passive and attack with their whole team at the beginning. I find it better if you let the AI do their thing on easy or medium. Makes for more realistic online play.


yeh.. thats where i found the update pack to give my 2007 version the 2008 rostas and races..

maybe im taking this too seriously but i now have planner with the races we are taking part in shaded in, and then room to note on what squads i plan to take to what so i can then fit the training in the gaps.. already found myself with three squads on the go straight off cos some riders are demanding to go to qatar, some to tour down under, and others to some random race i have never heard of... lol..

what spec are you running 2008 on.. i tried the demo on this machine, (1.8ghz intel, 3.5gb ram, 500mb gfx and it was like a slug.. 2007 runs like a dream).. wondering if the final game is the same, or if they fixed some performance issues with it...
Mar 11, 2009
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I've been playing it since part 2, when you couldn't even start it up without a patch :)

CM4 was my favorite one. Still play PCM 2007 every so often, always fun tweaking databases and playing careers with small teams.
May 17, 2010
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im surprised no 1 has asked this yet, but is there like a special store where i can buy transfusion bags and EPO kits? in all honesty id like to mess around with it on the game.