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Pro Rider reaction to Ricco news

Feb 1, 2011
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I have been following the tweets of various pro-riders in the last few hours commenting on the alleged cause of Ricco's hospitalisation.

Although I am no fan of Ricco, the double standard that is being applied here is outrageous - especially given that some of those commenting have either been associated with or are currently involved with teams / directors or former personnel of backgrounds directly or indirectly associated with doping.

The Landis / Kimmage interview cast an despicable shadow on the UCI and several former and current riders and not one tweet from anyone.

The Contador positive and not one tweet from anyone - this guy won the friggin tour.

One former protour rider (mfriedman) has had the balls to talk up - this is the only one I have heard from - but as for most others - nothing. Its time these guys either stayed quiet or come out and not apply a double standard.
Oct 25, 2010
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hrotha said:
You can go over to http://www.bikechatter.com and collect them yourself as they pop up (they're having a field day).

I was particularly disgusted by Robbie Hunter. At least with other guys who dissed Riccò I don't have any solid evidence to claim with absolute certainty they're huge hypocrites.

Thank you very much. I'm stunned already. Look at Adam Meyerson:

Adam Myerson
If you die from kidney failure from blood doping, that's sort of like a lifetime ban from the sport, right?"

Yes Adam, and so would dying from having a guy punch a dent into your skull for your being such a complete tool. Sorry for having felt sorry for you then.


Remember when we all wished you a speedy recovery after that guy slugged you after some criterium gone bad?
Jul 6, 2010
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BotanyBay said:
Thank you very much. I'm stunned already. Look at Adam Meyerson:

Yes Adam, and so would dying from having a guy punch a dent into your skull for your being such a complete tool. Sorry for having felt sorry for you then.

I can't believe I used to like that guy. Maybe he was drunk...

Nothing like espousing self-righteousness in an inappropriate moment.
BotanyBay said:
Thank you very much. I'm stunned already. Look at Adam Meyerson:

Yes Adam, and so would dying from having a guy punch a dent into your skull for your being such a complete tool. Sorry for having felt sorry for you then.
From what I've read of Adam Myerson, he's not really part of the problem this thread is talking about, even if that tweet was certainly in bad taste. I could be wrong though.
Oct 25, 2010
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hrotha said:
From what I've read of Adam Myerson, he's not really part of the problem this thread is talking about, even if that tweet was certainly in bad taste. I could be wrong though.

He won't eat a hamburger because it might hurt a cow, but he'll say something like that.

I realize Adam was 100% domestic as a pro, but plenty of us older guys know him. What he said was totally *** and inhumane.
Jul 6, 2010
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BotanyBay said:
He won't eat a hamburger because it might hurt a cow, but he'll say something like that.

I realize Adam was 100% domestic as a pro, but plenty of us older guys know him. What he said was totally *** and inhumane.

I've found that a whole lot of vegans have some sort of bizarre rationale structuring their moral code - most of which won't stand up to ethical scrutiny (those hippies seem to love leather Birkenstocks, but I guess that doesn't count).

His comments were ***, but what about Bobke? All I can think is that he went a little deep with the eyebrow plucking, and that his makeup leached into his brain.

Talk about a half-*ssed commentator. Nothing but the flowers for some, and nothing but the sh*t for a selected group of others. With nothing realistic or rational to differentiate between the two. Tard/Wh*re.
Jun 12, 2010
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Absalutly of NO suprise whatsoever.
While obviously theres some descent guys ... some are still good friends... I have to say in my two years as a pro I never met a more spineless and amorol bunch of people in my life.
Genuine people were rare as Hen`s teeth.:(
Jul 6, 2010
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Darryl Webster said:
Absalutly of NO suprise whatsoever.
While obviously theres some descent guys ... some are still good friends... I have to say in my two years as a pro I never met a more spineless and amorol bunch of people in my life.
Genuine people were rare as Hen`s teeth.:(

True enough, although I never had so many 'friends' lie to me... I can't even believe the number of guys who I'd p*ss and moan about doping to, and then find out they were on the program. Truly a strange little sub-culture.
Tim Gudsell: "Well done Ricco! Can someone please stop people hiring these guys again. I still have vivid memories of the 08 giro, suffering to make time"

Hello? Who won that Giro, Tim? Who was faster than Riccò? I'll give you a hint, he tested positive relatively recently and you didn't say anything about it, as far as I know (I couldn't find anything, at any rate).
Jul 6, 2010
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hrotha said:
Tim Gudsell: "Well done Ricco! Can someone please stop people hiring these guys again. I still have vivid memories of the 08 giro, suffering to make time"

Hello? Who won that Giro, Tim? Who was faster than Riccò? I'll give you a hint, he tested positive relatively recently and you didn't say anything about it, as far as I know (I couldn't find anything, at any rate).

This 'pile on Ricco' game from the players still in the peloton (or involved in some way) is really starting to p*ss me off.

Where is the outrage on the other cases? I guess Pat Verbruggen must have given a hall-pass to all the kids who take the short bus to the races. "Show your outrage, boys! We need this in the news as fast as possible!"

Nothing like a concrete example to solidify feelings of the fans/media being played like a bunch of chumps...
JMBeaushrimp said:
Nothing like a concrete example to solidify feelings of the fans/media being played like a bunch of chumps...

+1 on that.

It goes to show what a bunch of crap JV and the other whitewashers have been telling us. "The sport has changed," they say. "It is completely different." BS. The riders' attitudes are the same as ever.

I for one hope Ricco recovers and kicks ass at the Giro. That would be hilarious.
Jun 12, 2010
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Just occurs to me...couldnt some of the more callous remarks be considered bringing the sport into disrepute?
Any Uk footballer making such public remarks would be hauled over the coals. Not sugesting football is clean of course. Just that there are some standards.
Jul 2, 2009
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Darryl Webster said:
Just occurs to me...couldnt some of the more callous remarks be considered bring the sport into disrepute?
Any Uk footballer making such public remarks would be hauled over the coals. Not sugesting football is clean of course. Just that there are some standards.

Yeah, but UK football tends to work like some sort of Stalinist government - any slight criticism of officials is stamped on (largely due to managers blaming everything on the referee)

In football, the criticism is largely a tactic. That's not the case here with cycling.
Jul 16, 2010
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@AdamMyerson Hah you're so funny. You know what would be funnier? Seeing you fail @cyclocross in Belgium. You shouldn't wish someone death

^ I just had to make that tweet. What a douchebag.
Jul 2, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
@AdamMyerson Hah you're so funny. You know what would be funnier? Seeing you fail @cyclocross in Belgium. You shouldn't wish someone death

^ I just had to make that tweet. What a douchebag.

Good work. The only way to clean up this sport is to attack clean riders who show dissent.

(he didn't wish anyone death btw)
Jul 16, 2010
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Mambo95 said:
Good work. The only way to clean up this sport is to attack clean riders who show dissent.

Wishing someone death is classless.

Hiding in the US because you're not good enough to ride against the big boys earns a lot of respect!


And yes he basically wished Ricco death. He's just a hypocrite like most others, not daring to speak about Armstrong. The sport won't be cleaned by reactions like that.
Jul 16, 2010
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Mambo95 said:
He did nothing of the sort.

"If you die from kidney failure from blood doping, that's sort of like a lifetime ban from the sport, right?"

You don't have to be a genius to know what he means by that. Stupid attempt to be funny.

Never heard of implicitly I guess.
Jul 2, 2009
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El Pistolero said:
"If you die from kidney failure from blood doping, that's sort of like a lifetime ban from the sport, right?"

You don't have to be a genius to know what he means by that. Stupid attempt to be funny.

Never heard of implicitly I guess.

It's inferred not implicit.

A joke in bad taste? Sure. But willing death? No.