I see a lot of replica team apparel on Ebay. The sellers claim its of good quality, made in Europe and certainly well priced.
I'm not into team apparel but I do presume that the apparel [namely bib/pants] that the pros wear would be the best and most importantly, the most comfort!!!
I have a bony backside so really keen to get a pair of very comfortable pants. Question - how close is the replica gear [design/quality/comfort] to that of the "real" stuff"? Also is the "real stuff" available to the public?
DISC - waiting for my fizik arione to arrive...
I'm not into team apparel but I do presume that the apparel [namely bib/pants] that the pros wear would be the best and most importantly, the most comfort!!!
I have a bony backside so really keen to get a pair of very comfortable pants. Question - how close is the replica gear [design/quality/comfort] to that of the "real" stuff"? Also is the "real stuff" available to the public?
DISC - waiting for my fizik arione to arrive...