Just wondering if anyone here frequents the site?
What are your thoughts on their journalistic approach and feedback system?
What are your thoughts on the posters?
I'll start the ball rolling. I have long gotten the impression the mob qho frequent the site can take sole responsibility for the wide believe that aussies are gullible fools who by con merchants tinkering and BS peddling. I'm saying they haven't a clue about the machinations during a race and also the darker side of cycling that isn't transparent.
I don't mind their articles but the TV commentary and presentation leaves a lot to be desired. Over zealous and biased rampant patriotism are running unchecked. They do a good job with what they have, but don't do enough in my book. I almost wish I was born in France. On some level I think a nice positive by a big name aussie rider might wake some of them up.
Anyway I've had enough of that site and the BS on it. Few people contribute or add commentary and those who have in the past, like Blackcat, are balked at any time they mention a glaringly obvious inconsistency in people's thinking with respect to doping. Just wondering what everyone's experience and thinking is concerning SBS and their cycling body? Likes, dislikes?
I'll take these forums anyday of the week. More informed posters, who watch races and riders other than the aussies and events they tackle. I've learnt more in a month on this site than a year reading SBS media.
What are your thoughts on their journalistic approach and feedback system?
What are your thoughts on the posters?
I'll start the ball rolling. I have long gotten the impression the mob qho frequent the site can take sole responsibility for the wide believe that aussies are gullible fools who by con merchants tinkering and BS peddling. I'm saying they haven't a clue about the machinations during a race and also the darker side of cycling that isn't transparent.
I don't mind their articles but the TV commentary and presentation leaves a lot to be desired. Over zealous and biased rampant patriotism are running unchecked. They do a good job with what they have, but don't do enough in my book. I almost wish I was born in France. On some level I think a nice positive by a big name aussie rider might wake some of them up.
Anyway I've had enough of that site and the BS on it. Few people contribute or add commentary and those who have in the past, like Blackcat, are balked at any time they mention a glaringly obvious inconsistency in people's thinking with respect to doping. Just wondering what everyone's experience and thinking is concerning SBS and their cycling body? Likes, dislikes?
I'll take these forums anyday of the week. More informed posters, who watch races and riders other than the aussies and events they tackle. I've learnt more in a month on this site than a year reading SBS media.