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Shimano Crack Down On Doping!!


It seems a bit weird a gruppo manufacturer cracking down on doping but i applaud them. It says in the article that is what brought on by Euskaltel's position on Astaloza.

Exert from article said:
Basic guidelines in Shimano's anti doping policy:
&#8226]If the team management of one of our sponsored teams (no matter in which cycling discipline) is involved in any doping affair, we will stop our sponsorship of this team immediately[/B]
• If an individual rider is involved in any doping affair without the knowledge of the team management, the team will be given the chance to give a clear explanation and a future improvement & control plan to Shimano, upon that it will be decided to continue the sponsoring or not. If another doping incident occurs within the same team, we will keep the option of terminating our sponsorship contract
• Terminating a sponsorship contract means return of all Shimano materials or other contributions that have been supplied to the concerned team immediately.
This anti doping policy is already stated in our ongoing sponsorship contracts but Shimano feels it is valuable to emphasize this ones more to make it clear for everybody what is our opinion about the use of doping in sport. For all our future sponsorship negotiations it is essential for us that the teams show us their anti doping policy in advance.
Shimano Inc.

I especially like the bolded part, even though i don't believe it will do anything, it would be good to see them dump a team on their arse's and then see if SRAM or Campagnolo would have enough balls to sponsor them.

Regarding this point i just made above, i also want to something cleared up and would like an answer to this question:

Am i right in saying even though many teams ride shim this policy will only be enforced by teams that are personally sponsored by shim? ie. Euskaltel, Skil, Rabo(?), Columbia(?) and not others ie. Cervelo, Fdj(?), Garmin(?) etc
Jul 7, 2009
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El Imbatido said:

I think you are correct in your assumption, that this only impacts teams getting an active sponsorship (you can't stop them from riding Shimano).

I am not sure what to think of this. I like putting some pressure on the team management. However, there is the risk in interpretation and application of this policy. For example, it would be hard to argue that Gerolsteiner was clean! Euskaltel appears to pushing the envelope, given not just their support, but the #'s of riders who have been popped. But what about Silence, which has had the odd posiive. Or Rock Racing, which has also had a couple? (BTW - talking about the situation only as I am not sure if these last 2 teams even use Shimano).

I would love to hear some other opinions on this.
Looks like a public relations move. They want the right to sever a contract in the event of a team imploding because of a large scandal. The chances of management being linked to doping are slim. Management always uses the Sgt. Schultz defense when a rider is caught, i.e., "We know nothing." So the "management" clause is meaningless except in a rare case like Saiz getting caught red handed.

If Shimano were serious about doing something about doping then they would not be in cahoots with the UCI.
Jun 19, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Looks like a public relations move. They want the right to sever a contract in the event of a team imploding because of a large scandal. The chances of management being linked to doping are slim. Management always uses the Sgt. Schultz defense when a rider is caught, i.e., "We know nothing." So the "management" clause is meaningless except in a rare case like Saiz getting caught red handed.

If Shimano were serious about doing something about doping then they would not be in cahoots with the UCI.

Although it is most definitely a PR move I tend to agree that it looks like something intended to "refresh" the image of the sport, as well with UCI blessing. Cynics will say that they will still enforce the policy as they deem fit. Call me cynical on this one, too.
Sep 10, 2009
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I dunno, first thing I do upon hearing that a rider is doping is check what components are on his bike and then avoid ever buying that brand again. Don't even get me started on who makes his kit. :cool:

Yeah, I understand Shimano is trying to do "the right thing" but it just comes across as a PR stunt.
Jul 16, 2009
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agree , better than nothing

but they have a chance to really make a stance, take the money out- take the floor from under the dopers.

SADLY the shimano statement reads a bit wrist slapping.
we might
we might

next time

a ok but dont do it again
wishy washy.

you did.........
Jun 16, 2009
They could at least get really tough on teams involved in doping and instead of refusing to supply them anything, force them to use Sora and non-series components. Maybe in extreme cases they swap-out any Di-2 for Nexus three-speed hubs with roller brakes, that'll teach them!