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Mar 13, 2009
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I've never been to the UK but since Eurosport Germany started showing Snooker I'm a huge fan!

Right now the World Championship is going on in Sheffield and I just got done watching John Higgins vs. Steve Davis - what a dramatic game! So happy for Steve Davis.

Anyways, are there any other snooker fans in here? Who are you rooting for in the World Championship, who do you think will win?
Sep 23, 2009
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I used to be a fan, then I got a life, I played 7 days a week when I was 15 , now I play every 3 years. All the boys are boring except Ronny.
Mar 13, 2009
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D Avoid said:
I used to be a fan, then I got a life, I played 7 days a week when I was 15 , now I play every 3 years. All the boys are boring except Ronny.

... and then you started posting on a cycling forum :D

Wow that's intense though - I've never played, there are almost no places where you can in Luxembourg. Here they always have American billiard.
But it's true Ronnie is the greatest. Steve Davis was fun too though!
Mar 18, 2009
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Neil Roberston - Australia's first world snooker champion since 1952. That's pretty exciting. I love the game myself, but more to play rather than watch. Especially after (or during) a few brews. :D
My great uncle used to start watching it in the afternoons to help him sleep. He'd be out before the end of the first frame. :p

I thought no-one else watched it. Then I went to university in a city where they hold a world tournament and the place was actually gridlocked that week.

Even the cheap seats for an "important" tie cost at least the equivalent of €100 but if you look closely, you'll always see at least one old-timer snoozing his €100 away. ;)
Sep 23, 2009
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Christian said:
... and then you started posting on a cycling forum :D

Wow that's intense though - I've never played, there are almost no places where you can in Luxembourg. Here they always have American billiard.
But it's true Ronnie is the greatest. Steve Davis was fun too though!

Small town, nothing else to do, no tv at home. When I was 18 I entered the county championships. I played the top five ranked player and took him to the black in the decider. Before that I never really tried to concentrate, people couldn't believe what I was doing, He bought me half a dozen pints next door afterwards. At the time it was my greatest achievement. A few years later it was darts and one week I won both competitions, perfect mindset, couldn't miss. It is the same with racing the bike, when I do all the preperation, then I do very well, rest of the time, I wonder why I bother. Great stuff for the Stressed alien boy, to win the Worlds.
Well... I know I'd never be able to play it. The few times I've played billiard I've just sorta... shot randomly at the place where there was most balls...
(Not to mention the whole me-being-too-short issue... I'd have a hard time reaching into the middle of the table...)