Cal_Joe said:
In a previous life I was a member of the legal profession. Many of the posts in this forum since Flandis resurfaced concern legal issues. In my humble opinion, there appear to be two to three posters here who may have the same background, and anyone who has a clue realizes that in the legal world such speculation is basically bar talk. As I have posted somewhere here on some thread, speculation regarding possible outcome of a (potential) case without being fully grounded in all aspects of persons, depositions, case law, jurisdiction, and many other aspects is a major waste of time (unless you are at a good pub that has some decent Irish).
Funny, I am on the cusp of beginning law school. However, to discuss Landis' accusations, and what might happen because of them is merely a topic on a forum. I think everyone knows that their predictions are only that. I don't think anyone seriously believes they know how this will play out. They are talking about possibilities. Its like discussing who might win a stage before the stage ends. We all do it, but nobody seems all up in arms about those predictions. Lets face it, there are an incredible number of variables regarding any given event that can affect the outcome, yet we all still try to predict things. Also, on the other foot, there are plenty of Armstrong fans who believe Armstrong will come out unscathed. I don't hear you offering response to their posts with as much veracity as you do people who do not like Armstrong.
Cal_Joe said:
I post infrequently on the racing threads. I read them frequently. As far as "opinions" I don't like, many of those are stated as fact, which I find to be different than opinions.
It is a fairly common trait among humans to consider their opinions as facts to themselves. I would suggest that you could discover that you too fall prey to this phenomenon.
Cal_Joe said:
What I think may happen is not worth the electrons. I have no clue. I am more interested in what will happen, and that is something we will all find out as events unfold, not through wishful thinking.
Sorry, I don't believe you have no opinion on the topic. It does appear that you would rather feign and elevated status in regards to that because of your recent proclamations regarding those who offer opinion on the topic, but I am willing to bet you have a formed opinion already in place.
Cal_Joe said:
I promise not to flame if you will do the same.
I hope you do not consider any of the above to be a "flame." I respect that you are an obviously intelligent person, and that you are entitled to address the subject from any perspective you choose. I would just suggest that it is belittling to attach meaning and commentary on the opinions of others when you could easily not read threads that are ridiculous to you, or you could participate as a member instead of as a critic.
All that being said, the topic of the thread has wandered from the original purpose (thin as it was), but hey, it is a forum. That is what happens here.