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Spectators Running Alongside Riders on Climbs

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Armanius said:
During today's ITT, I was getting pretty worried at the crowd on the uphill just before the hairpin turn and before the first time check. It wasn't so much the runners that worried me, but the people who step in the middle of the ever narrowing road to take photos, and then don't move out of the way. A few of the riders today had to swerve around those people who would not move.

Ultimately it's the responsibility of the race organizers and whichever gov't agency polices the roads of France to firstly educate the crowds on what's safe and acceptable (regardless of tradition, as conditions evolve over decades), and then prosecute/hold accountable those who flout the law and put the riders' lives at risk. But the riders need to complain loudly and publicly to get this process going! (oh, and complain tactfully, by including standard disclaimer on how great the public is and how they love the crowds but it's only a few bad apples blah blah...)
I definately think there should be made a strong statement that running along spectators and stanging on the road to make pictures should never be allowed.

I'm not sure what's possible regarding punishment, but they should act before things serious go wrong.
One of the crashes in the bunch in the first week was created by a photographer who was staning at the side of the road. A few riders had to dodge them which resulted in a crash.
Sep 9, 2010
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joe_papp said:
Ultimately it's the responsibility of the race organizers and whichever gov't agency polices the roads of France to firstly educate the crowds on what's safe and acceptable (regardless of tradition, as conditions evolve over decades), and then prosecute/hold accountable those who flout the law and put the riders' lives at risk. But the riders need to complain loudly and publicly to get this process going! (oh, and complain tactfully, by including standard disclaimer on how great the public is and how they love the crowds but it's only a few bad apples blah blah...)

I totally agree. I wonder how the race organizers determine where to put the crowd barriers. It's obvious that the crowd is going to gather on the steeper climbs. Race organizers need to either put barriers on those locations or have more people making sure the road does not become a 5 feet wide trench for the riders to negotiate.
I'd say in a perfect world all the written materials about a race (stage guides and whatnot) would simply contain a reminder to people about not getting in the way of the riders. Something like this:

The riders need full usage of the road.
If you step onto the pavement you risk ruining the race for you favourite rider!

Unfortunately I'm afraid people who aren't smart enough on their own to understand that you shouldn't run next to/in front of the riders probably wouldn't get the message... :rolleyes:
In fact with some of those people it's a miracle they even know where to be!
Jun 6, 2012
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Good thread - I totally agree.

Given that in several stages in the TDF (at least) the roads are explicitly turned over to the ASO and outside normal french motor law for the duration of the riders using them could they do something similar re the runners? Ie. make a declaration that running on the road by fans while under ASO jurisdiction is banned and have a 1000E fine for anyone doing so. They instituted a similar large fine process about a decade ago in Australia for running onto the ground in One Day Cricket and it hugely decreased the number of drunken fans who thought it'd be a good thing to do.
Jun 3, 2010
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groverjones said:
Absolutely! He brings a bad image to the other "characters" that are always there year after year, such as Didi Senft (the Devil), who jump up and down but along the sidelines.

A Tour without the Devil wouldn't be the same! He´s already a part of the Tour! He made an image (a loved one, I think) for himself and I do believe even the riders like him as he´s absolutely correct!!

The problem for the runners is they simply don´t think! If any of them stumbles can make a rider fall and ruin an entire ride! I load these guys and those who stand in front of the riders or cross the road until the last second! Must be really annoying
jmspinto said:
A Tour without the Devil wouldn't be the same! He´s already a part of the Tour! He made an image (a loved one, I think) for himself and I do believe even the riders like him as he´s absolutely correct!!

The problem for the runners is they simply don´t think! If any of them stumbles can make a rider fall and ruin an entire ride! I load these guys and those who stand in front of the riders or cross the road until the last second! Must be really annoying

I thought I heard on Eurosport's coverage a reference to the Devil's having had knee surgery, or otherwise slowing down with old age?? Anyone??

But to be clear, I do not class the Devil as one of these obnoxious runners. He is his own man, a true original, and I can never recall him once interfering with the race or putting at risk the riders' safety or his own...

pablo0642 said:
Good thread - I totally agree.

Given that in several stages in the TDF (at least) the roads are explicitly turned over to the ASO and outside normal french motor law for the duration of the riders using them could they do something similar re the runners? Ie. make a declaration that running on the road by fans while under ASO jurisdiction is banned and have a 1000E fine for anyone doing so. They instituted a similar large fine process about a decade ago in Australia for running onto the ground in One Day Cricket and it hugely decreased the number of drunken fans who thought it'd be a good thing to do.

Glad to see that this thread resonates now much more than it did when I originally started it (quite some time ago). I wonder if that means the Runners are getting worse, or true fans are just become more aware of them, and finding their voice?

Regrettably, I do not think the ASO will take serious action until there is a high-profile incident in the mountains with a leading rider who is brought down by a runner, or a runner dies or steps on a baby and kills it during an equally high-profile moment in the mountains. Then heads will roll. But it will be too late then...
Jul 3, 2012
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I can't stand it when spectators get too close to the riders. It's so stupid and dangerous. How many injuries occur because of spectator-caused crashes every race? Way too many. No other major professional sports allow spectators unfettered access to the competitors in this way. It can be exhilarating for the athletes but also can be highly annoying and dangerous, as we've seen.

At the very least, I think there needs to be more selectively placed barriers on both the flat and mountain stages. People consider this a problem with climbs but it's a problem on any stage, really. The crashes inside the last 3km on the early stages last week may not have been spectator-caused, but a fair number of the ones that were farther out were caused by idiots standing too far in the road trying to get a picture or get on camera or something.

Although frankly I cannot believe the people standing nearby don't rise up as one and slay the offending spectator. Perhaps we should have snipers in the team cars or plainclothesmen amongst the fans at crucial locations.
I'm starting to get worried about my fellow Norwegians. Half of them seem to have taken their vacation in France and brought massive flags that they wave in front of the riders. That's an accident waiting to happen.
RedheadDane said:
It was today. Don't you watch this?

Finally had time to FF through the stage footage, which I hadn't DVR'd initially, and I found the scene in question. You're right, not only does TommyV swing at the runner, but another fan lunges at him and arrests his progress, while Phil scolds him and he naughty running public in general. Now if only other riders would follow TV's lead and the DS's support them by speaking out to the media.
Jul 6, 2012
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The runners stress me out. Stay the hell away from the riders.

Worst for me to see were the crowds enveloping Contador v. Schleck on the Tourmalet in 2010.
May 21, 2010
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Accident today between "runner" cpl Californians and a frenchie, could of been very nasty for the riders if they had fallen the other way.Something needs to be done.I dont mind the devil or even the "antlers" guy as they seem too keep well clear of the riders,but damn on some of the 1 track climbs the runners are gonna decide a gc soon.
May 5, 2009
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Good Thread, thanks Joe Papp.

These stupid idiots are the thing I hate the most about cycling.

Particularly the running jerks who think CyclingRace = Carnival

And then these nude w..kers... Human stupidity has no limits it seems sometimes. Such a pity for such a great sport. And in addition as you mentioned, ruining the tv coverage pictures.
Apr 14, 2010
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Boostland said:
Or was it a walking stick, you can see Jorge throw it away from his front wheel after he stops suddenly.

I read one of the riders involved explained it like this: the Euskatel rider taking care of Sanchez (who was on the far left) slowed to negotiate an 'invasion of space' from the old man (ie. his leg or cane or something). Two Movistar riders, who were to the right and slightly behind the Euskatel helper, went into him and flipped on to Sanchez ending his race.

And even from the post-crash footage, you could see the guy was setup right on the edge of the road. Just stupid...even if you don't cause a crash, there's no guarrantee when that massive peloton comes through that if something happens you might end up getting smashed cos you were too close.

EDIT:found an article re this...http://sports.yahoo.com/news/olympic-champ-withdraws-tour-france-004010837--spt.html

- @ Joe: +1 thanks for bringing this thread back...I've really been noticing it this year, I'd definitely say it's gotten worse compared to say, a few years ago
- @ the antler guy: i get bro_deal's vibe, but he's not getting close, so like Didi, I'm ok with him
- @ Borat: i think it was topical for a year or two after the movie...after that, it's old...and ugly, lol. Don't mind costumes in general but they need to be clever, cool, funny, or original. This year I've seen a Borat kinda costume from a guy in silver bodypaint?!?!? Please, just no......
- @ our dream way to stop this? cattle prods ftw lol
- @ a real way to stop this? i think more barriers, and i saw in the giro a year or two ago, the local italian 'gendarmes' were all lined up forming a barrier, and were actively stopping/holding back idiots on the climbs.

So that could be an idea, real fans (ie. people like those on this board) sign up as volunteers, get a uniform (shorts, t-shirt), basic training, and a great spot to see the race whilst stopping contact with riders. Also maybe get some backstage tours, meet the teams or something...that plus more barriers might be an answer...but i agree with Joe, ASO won't do anything til it's too late.