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Storm Coming, or Clouds Parting?

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Mar 10, 2009
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DirtyWorks said:
I think it is very safe to say, both sides are preparing for a major legal battle and that preparation takes time. The BALCO scandal was very slow in coming to a conclusion after the first few scandalous revelations.

If I came off of 3 weeks of racing against the world's best and a decent rest cycle without having to go back to a real job, I think I could blow away a mostly weekend warrior field without doping.

The UCI is corrupt. The good news is the scale of the corruption has just started to reach the main stream media. There's bound to be much more to follow.

If only the scale of corruption in the US attorney's office could be as easily quantified as your assertions. If only the UCi could in fact influence the doping results like you seem to believe. Given the French labs lust for positives and lack of respect for confidentiality that had any test from Lance or any of his team mates come true that we would have heard about it before the UCI got the result.
Mar 18, 2009
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Master50 said:
Given the French labs lust for positives...

I know exactly what you mean. How else to account for huge numbers of riders caught in the last two Tours? Those French labs... pure evil, if you ask me.
Jul 29, 2009
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my nightmare

thehog said:
The clouds have parted and the investigations have concluded.

What was uncovered was that no doping took place on US Postal, Armstrong won 7 Tours clean, he encouraged clean cycling from all his team-mates, they only used drugs and tested positive after USPostal, Landis made everything up, he has a vendetta against Lance, Betsy is crazy, LeMond is jealous, TREK bikes were sold to raise money for Livestrong and the on-going fight against cancer, donations to the UCI were above board to fight the war on doping, along with the UCI being above reproach and keeping accurate records of all donations.

The Feds not wanting to waste anymore of tax payers money on an un-American witch hunt will issue an apology to Armstrong on Friday. They will also make a sizable donation to Livestrong.

Thanks Hog you described my latest nightmare scenario to a T !!
In my nightmare Dr. Ferrari also helps heal the sick, while Johan and Lance shout on megaphones to the masses, appealing to them to "bring out your sick"
The nightmare finally wraps up with Lance, winning the Nobel Prize and being canonized "St. Lance de la Tour ".
Jul 19, 2009
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Master50 said:
If only the scale of corruption in the US attorney's office could be as easily quantified as your assertions. If only the UCi could in fact influence the doping results like you seem to believe. Given the French labs lust for positives and lack of respect for confidentiality that had any test from Lance or any of his team mates come true that we would have heard about it before the UCI got the result.
Pure speculation there.
Samples are anonymous.
Confidentiality can only breached with UCI help.


Mar 11, 2009
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MacRoadie said:
So let me get this straight. If I kill your wife, and you witness me doing it, as long as I can find an army of people to say they didn't see me do it, I'm good to walk?

Lance is not facing murder charges.

And as "just another rider on the team", Lance is not facing doping charges either. Novitzsky does not care if Lance transfused blood or used PEDS imo.

But Lance could face charges of bullying team mates into a systematic program of doping - as a leader or owner of the Team.

Now if 3 team members say they WERE coerced, and 3 or more team mates say they were NOT coerced, the jury may have a tougher time deciding...

Just kidding, the jury would not have a tough time.
Mar 7, 2010
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The BALCO case took forever because few if any witnesses would talk. In the case of Landisgate, people ARE talking. And more will talk. This case will go faster because of it.

Next, this really isn't about the actual doping, it's about the fraud, drug dealing, coersion, bribery, etc. If the Feds make this into a RICO case the statute of limitations may be longer than a simple drug deal.

Because of people cooperating and because this *may* be a RICO case, the timing is hard to predict. We may be stuck with cycling keeping LA's seven tour wins(that statute of limitations is about up, no?)but a longer wait may result in really tearing down the doping culture. Isn't that the real result we want? I know it's what I want. Seeing Lance squirm is just icing on the cake.
May 26, 2010
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Polish said:
Lance is not facing murder charges.

And as "just another rider on the team", Lance is not facing doping charges either. Novitzsky does not care if Lance transfused blood or used PEDS imo.

But Lance could face charges of bullying team mates into a systematic program of doping - as a leader or owner of the Team.

Now if 3 team members say they WERE coerced, and 3 or more team mates say they were NOT coerced, the jury may have a tougher time deciding...

Just kidding, the jury would not have a tough time.

you need to change your user name from 'polish' to 'trytoMuddytheWaters'...

LA is not facing anything yet! He has not been called or charged with anything. Novitsky is investigating the doping and fraud in USA cycling from 1998/9.

Lance was a director(at least)if not part owner of the team and not 'just a rider', as 'a rider' rides for the whole season not just a couple of races....;)

your constantly out of tune, but that's plan i'm sure....:rolleyes: