I think most of this internal strife in Astana is planned, i think Lance was holding back slightly in the tt( noticebly slower cadence) and while everyone is marking Kloden & AC Lance will take off, if he fails he uses the Hinault traitor excuse, if he succeeds it was the strategy all along.
AC knows this, this is the plan since LA came back. But i imagine he is pretty ****ed. From his view, he is the strongest in the world, he wins the tour, gets banned the next year through no fault of his own wins everything he can, the giro and then this guy who had his time rejoins the team and his DS tells him about the decoy strategy. Levi was not happy when he was a decoy for AC before but there was nothing he could do because AC was so much better. Now AC is the best and he is going to be the decoy so lance can win again? I bet he is ****ed because he knows it should be the other way around. JB loves this because he can pretend he is a great tactician,"we know everyone will be watching AC so i send Lance we plan it all along we just don't tell the press"or "we send Lance up road but he is just decoy, when other teams chase THEN we send AC on counterattack, tour over"
JB & Lance are Jackasses AND bad actors