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The Climb (Froome's first autobiography)

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Oct 16, 2010
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thehog said:


So I'm not sure how all that works.

And didn't he say the UCI found it during a passport test?
Thanks hog.
Must have beem hard for froome to keep track of his own badzilla stories.
the parasite went largely undiagnosed until Froome underwent extensive blood screening with a switch to Sky in 2010
Read more at http://velonews.competitor.com/2013...bilharzia-parasite_295548#WiKLaMRf4eMkEDDh.99
May 26, 2009
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adamfo said:
You sound like Mary Whitehouse. Condemns a book as 'filth' but wont read it because it's filth.

Except even you can not deny we do read those passages :D

Seems it's not me, but you who is not reading. That's okay, it's a long thread, the pro-tip is start at page 1.
Jul 31, 2010
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thehog said:
Agree with all of this. I think Froome struggles that he can't be jack the lad.

Someone payout wiggos contract and Sky and get him at the Tour next month sigh GreenEdge.

Cmon' Aaron Brown, surely another opportunity here for you! Must be running a bit short of cash now!
Jul 17, 2012
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Having digested as much of the contents of the book as I can without reading it, and thanks are due to Hog for sharing so much with us (can anyone see me gritting teeth saying that? (; ) I find extraordinary that someone by his own admittance had, what was it, training numbers that meant he should be leading the TdF but results that meant he should be at home on the sofa watching it, thought he had the right to be co-leader in 2012.

The 2011 Vuelta seems a massive anomaly, given his results leading up to it, and subsequent to it. His early season rides in 2012 weren't up to much, until the Dauphine where apparently he back to form. Yet even with that he still went into the Tour expecting to be a protected leader. Clearly when he attacked Wiggins he was hoping to pull back the time he had lost when he had punctured. The impression that comes across is of someone massively arrogant of their own abilities and getting annoyed when that sense of entitlement isn't served, yet in his own words his results didn't warrant it. People seems to be pests that get in his way.

Very, very odd that he lays it all out that way in a book when those factors are the reasons people point the finger of dope at him. Indifferent results, then a ridiculous performance in the Vuelta 2011, indifferent results then a ridiculous performance in the TdF 2012. None of it is actually in line with the Bilharzia story, that of him shedding the disease and coming good, because he was good, then indifferent again, then amazing. From 4th in the Dauphine behind Wiggins to a month later looking like a much better climber than him. His 'amazing' performances come at those two key moments, the first that gets him his new contract and fat pay cheque, the second enables him to usurp leadership of the team from Wiggins and become Sky's chosen GT rider.

A very stupid book to have written: he's alienating a lot of fans and reinforcing the doubts of others. For me he comes across as a needy, whiney, arrogant so-and-so who is ruthless with his ambition to get to the top, and he has very little respect for other riders.

I am disappoint.
Sep 18, 2013
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Major issue for me, he says he had the numbers in testing of a Tour de France podium contender...

Why on earth were Sky going to drop him them and were only offering him
Granville57 said:
It would appear that Chris & Michelle are the perfect couple after all.

Two arrogant, loud-mouth trolls with no humility whatsoever. People were wondering how or why Froome would allow her to continue her Twitter tirades against the world? Well, it seems she is the perfect mouthpiece for him. With all that late-night texting between the two, perhaps it's a collaborative effort? How romantic. :)

With all the success he's had, with all the money he has made (for riding a bicycle), and with all the money his is yet to make, they both come off as spoiled little brats with nothing but complaints about their lot in life.

Just wait. They are going to find that life on the flip side will not be so pleasant with all the bridge burning that is taking place. When the victories are no longer there, when the next miracle rider appears, these two will likely find many a closed door and not too many cards at xmas time.

I hope it's fun while it lasts. :rolleyes:

I think you just eloquently stated what many were, and have been thinking about her since the TDF and that year. Wow, was she out of control regarding he statements...seems they are both trolls and two of a kind. Often people should complement one another, in some cases, they make a perfect pair.
Froome is likely going to become one of the most disliked guys in the peloton...and I wonder what his team mates really think about him? I mean, not the "hey, we have to support Froome" talk from the riders on the squad, but what they really think. That would be something.

Talking about Omerta...the Team Sky Omerta regarding the other riders/personalities etc...would be something to hear.

I assume that if they have anything but positive things to say about Froome, he would ensure their cycling careers are over at Sky and would be put on soigneur duty.
Dec 13, 2012
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JimmyFingers said:
Having digested as much of the contents of the book as I can without reading it, and thanks are due to Hog for sharing so much with us (can anyone see me gritting teeth saying that? (; ) I find extraordinary that someone by his own admittance had, what was it, training numbers that meant he should be leading the TdF but results that meant he should be at home on the sofa watching it, thought he had the right to be co-leader in 2012.

The 2011 Vuelta seems a massive anomaly, given his results leading up to it, and subsequent to it. His early season rides in 2012 weren't up to much, until the Dauphine where apparently he back to form. Yet even with that he still went into the Tour expecting to be a protected leader. Clearly when he attacked Wiggins he was hoping to pull back the time he had lost when he had punctured. The impression that comes across is of someone massively arrogant of their own abilities and getting annoyed when that sense of entitlement isn't served, yet in his own words his results didn't warrant it. People seems to be pests that get in his way.

Very, very odd that he lays it all out that way in a book when those factors are the reasons people point the finger of dope at him. Indifferent results, then a ridiculous performance in the Vuelta 2011, indifferent results then a ridiculous performance in the TdF 2012. None of it is actually in line with the Bilharzia story, that of him shedding the disease and coming good, because he was good, then indifferent again, then amazing. From 4th in the Dauphine behind Wiggins to a month later looking like a much better climber than him. His 'amazing' performances come at those two key moments, the first that gets him his new contract and fat pay cheque, the second enables him to usurp leadership of the team from Wiggins and become Sky's chosen GT rider.

A very stupid book to have written: he's alienating a lot of fans and reinforcing the doubts of others. For me he comes across as a needy, whiney, arrogant so-and-so who is ruthless with his ambition to get to the top, and he has very little respect for other riders.

I am disappoint.

I haven't read the book either but it seems like it raises more questions than answers.
Jul 5, 2011
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DirtyWorks said:
Does that remind you of anyone? This is why I believe the UCI and ASO are providing a tailwind for Froome/Sky.

IMHO, we will probably have to wait as long and suffer through more "wins" with the UCI defending the fraud before the fraud is revealed. Again.

Money talks, all very sad.
Feb 24, 2014
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zigmeister said:
I assume that if they have anything but positive things to say about Froome, he would ensure their cycling careers are over at Sky and would be put on soigneur duty.

Remind you of anyone from the recent past who ended as an epic Fail.
Hint: a man who would not stop at nothing and destroyed anyone who stood in his way!

Oprah, what's your availability?
May 26, 2009
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Opinion: Froome does not really remind me of Lance (besides both are pro cyclists and a sense of dodgy). This is more an uncomfortable reminder of FvdB, who also had illusions of grandeur. That said there's no indication he's as destructive as Frank, so that's a bit of a stretch too.

Anyway, he certainly doesn't seem to be nearly as in control of his environment as Lance was. Also, Lance was never so foolish to openly antagonize the peloton. Indeed he was well respected (unless you hinted on Ferrari^^)by his peers.
Jul 5, 2011
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Franklin said:
Anyway, he certainly doesn't seem to be nearly as in control of his environment as Lance was. Also, Lance was never so foolish to openly antagonize the peloton.

The timing has to be a massive mistake. So greedy they couldn't wait until Xmas? Walsh coming across as truly sickening. The difference from his podium persona to this must be a shock to many, not just forum readers. Even his team mates will wonder if they're going to be stabbed in the back in the follow up. What a huge mistake Dawg. The pro peloton has its ways.
May 26, 2009
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And DB seems to be a tad annoyed:

Where he could chastize Brad for being a dramaqueen and stirring the pot he definitely fires a warning shot across the bow of HMS Froome. Froome clearly pushed this one a tad too far, though in the end the result will count (and thus this year Froome will be decisive).

As I said, in the normal world you would get fired for this book(slamming your boss in public on print is not a great career move^^), so there will be stiff talks. DB is very proud of what he build with Sky and I wonder if the hunger for success will be enough for him to be shamed publicly. If the past is any indication usually either the star or the manager leaves.

Boifava-Roche (1988)

I'm pretty bad at being a clairevoyant, but i wager the days of Froome at Sky are numbered.
Jul 5, 2011
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Saying this as an Irishman, maybe its the generations of poverty but when they finally get their snouts in the trough it is a revolting spectacle. Sorry but that's it.
Apr 20, 2012
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nomapnocompass said:
Major issue for me, he says he had the numbers in testing of a Tour de France podium contender...

Why on earth were Sky going to drop him them and were only offering him
Indeed. Why would he be the bottle carrier for Morris Possoni?

I bet there is a 'logical' explanation for all of this though..
May 26, 2009
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Fearless Greg Lemond said:
Indeed. Why would he be the bottle carrier for Morris Possoni?

I bet there is a 'logical' explanation for all of this though..

I'd say the most probable explenation is that he only posted those numbers in his own head, also because he clearly shows he likes to dream big.

If he really posted those numbers they would have extended his small contract and waited to see what happened. When he was on the cutting block he wasn't a financial drain at all.
Franklin said:
Opinion: Froome does not really remind me of Lance (besides both are pro cyclists and a sense of dodgy). This is more an uncomfortable reminder of FvdB, who also had illusions of grandeur. That said there's no indication he's as destructive as Frank, so that's a bit of a stretch too.

I can see the point about illusions, but I think Froome and Vdb were complete opposites?
One cheerful, believing he was untouchable on a bike and very much riding that way. The guy to say "yeah I won today because I'm just way more talented than everyone else. I knew I'd win before the start", then ended up depressed when what started as a fairytale collapsed (his early talent undeniable)
The other very reserved, determined, doing everything to construct his own fairytale (when his early talent is very much deniable). The guy to say "everything can still happen, I haven't won yet, I rate my opponents ..." when he's 5 minutes in front, then spit in their face in a book and stab his teammates in the back along the way

Pack Fodder

May 14, 2014
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Franklin said:
And DB seems to be a tad annoyed:

Where he could chastize Brad for being a dramaqueen and stirring the pot he definitely fires a warning shot across the bow of HMS Froome. Froome clearly pushed this one a tad too far, though in the end the result will count (and thus this year Froome will be decisive).

As I said, in the normal world you would get fired for this book(slamming your boss in public on print is not a great career move^^), so there will be stiff talks. DB is very proud of what he build with Sky and I wonder if the hunger for success will be enough for him to be shamed publicly. If the past is any indication usually either the star or the manager leaves.

Boifava-Roche (1988)

I'm pretty bad at being a clairevoyant, but i wager the days of Froome at Sky are numbered.

I think that's a pretty good insight. My instinct is Brailsford feels both were well out of line this week - but perhaps for the first time, Froome was the one WAY out of line, whereas Wiggins controlled his destructiveness more, which is a 180 degree from usual
May 26, 2009
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Gung Ho Gun said:
I can see the point about illusions, but I think Froome and Vdb were complete opposites?
Agreed, it's a stretch. Problem is there aren't many examples of riders who have laid out their fantasies. In FvdB's case we know his mirages due to his friends, so he was the closest I could think of.
Franklin said:
And DB seems to be a tad annoyed:

Where he could chastize Brad for being a dramaqueen and stirring the pot he definitely fires a warning shot across the bow of HMS Froome. Froome clearly pushed this one a tad too far, though in the end the result will count (and thus this year Froome will be decisive).

As I said, in the normal world you would get fired for this book(slamming your boss in public on print is not a great career move^^), so there will be stiff talks. DB is very proud of what he build with Sky and I wonder if the hunger for success will be enough for him to be shamed publicly. If the past is any indication usually either the star or the manager leaves.

Boifava-Roche (1988)

I'm pretty bad at being a clairevoyant, but i wager the days of Froome at Sky are numbered.

The way I read it, he slapped them both down, Froome doesn't pick the team, Wiggins is possibly a problem not only for the Froome but for the other team members/staff. Although Froome hasn't said he does in anything I've read unless I've missed it.

As regards his book, yep some of it is a bit self destructively honest although the only person apart from Wiggins who could take real offence is Greg Henderson, although even there it's mixed, from I've read of it so far.
Feb 19, 2013
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bigcog said:
The way I read it, he slapped them both down, Froome doesn't pick the team, Wiggins is possibly a problem not only for the Froome but for the other team members/staff. Although Froome hasn't said he does in anything I've read unless I've missed it.

There was that infamous tweet from soon-to-be-Mrs. Froome last year:

michellecound said:
Chris & Brad on the same start line, in the same kit? Mmmmmm &#8230]

I think she thinks that Froome picks the team ... or she does?