After the last day of racing in the tour, Radio Shack broke out the black kits i did some soul searching about what message was being sent.
The 28 million cancer number
Livestrong, I did pull up there website that day
Then it came to me it was about Lance showboating
Lance =Livestrong=cancer; with a healthy lean of Lance
I will fight cancer but not promote Lance
I will ride my bike as hard and fast as i can and i will cheer on any body doing the same.Let us start over and have some fun bicycle racing .UCI.clean up your act as well
The 28 million cancer number
Livestrong, I did pull up there website that day
Then it came to me it was about Lance showboating
Lance =Livestrong=cancer; with a healthy lean of Lance
I will fight cancer but not promote Lance
I will ride my bike as hard and fast as i can and i will cheer on any body doing the same.Let us start over and have some fun bicycle racing .UCI.clean up your act as well