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The Garmin Diet

Mar 10, 2009
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Received my Cycle Sport yesterday. I flipped through it and finally learned why iI've been blowing up on climbs and nearly every where else: Wheat. Eating wheat is causing me to get dropped.
The nutrtionist for Garmin has had the boys on a wheat free diet and I reckon that, ladies and gentlemen, explains Bradley Wiggins' unexplained new found climbing ability. What Garmin riders eat instead of pasta made of wheat is pasta made from rice. Rice in the morning, rice in the evening, rice at suppertime. The team's new motto is going to be: Eat Rice, Will Travel. So from now on it's rice cakes and onions slathered in olive for me! That's how I'm going to get my cycling fix.
56Cinelli said:
This is going to seem incredibly inappropriate, but if rice is the answer why no fabulous Asian climbers?
And why is campy so much cooler?

was going to suggest something similar regarding italian cycling greats vs asian cycling greats...

and wiggins' preparation and training having a factor more than just what he eats...
Jul 23, 2009
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wheat is only a problem if you are gluten intolerant (i.e., celiac disease). the answer to wiggins improved performance has more to do with the missing kgs, not the missing wheat.
Jun 16, 2009
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sorenmj said:
wheat is only a problem if you are gluten intolerant (i.e., celiac disease). the answer to wiggins improved performance has more to do with the missing kgs, not the missing wheat.
(Caveat in these comments - I'm not a medical person, so take these comments with whatever pinches of salt you want ...)

Not necessarily ... A former work colleague took wheat out of his diet and found that he lost about 8kg/18lb and found a huge improvement in his health and general riding fitness. He was tested and showed no intolerance to gluten or other form of wheat related allergy ... and was told that it was just something to do with how the body processes wheat based carbs as opposed to other forms of complex carbs.

A dietitian friend made similar comments recently at a workshop I attended. She recommended rice and spuds as better sources of concentrated quantities of complex carbs ... And she's a cyclist (and skier and skater) who practises what she preaches ... :)

But I reckon that the Garmin diet is still making a difference ... Check out Julian Dean's website (http://www.juliandean.co.nz) - he says that they've got the best chef in the peleton. Now, knowing that you've got a wicked barbecue waiting for you after dragging your **** across the mountains for six hours has to be good motivation, ay?! ;)