I think it's better than last year, and the year before. But there have been two problems so far this year. First was in the early stages of the TOC, but that was free, as Amgen webcast it for free, and CTV apologized for any mishaps. The other was when they had overloads at I believe the Ronde.
I have two complaints about them. The first is that they need to put up in big letters that it's high bandwidth broadband only. If you're working on sketchy connection, you'll get a lot of glitches and drops, and they shouldn't even allow dial-up of any sort - you'll get a postage stamp sized picture that cuts out. The other "complaint" is in the past they used to sell one-day only service for like $2. This was a great deal when you wanted to watch, say, the stage up Zoncolon, or Angliru But they don't offer it anymore.
I believe they are owned by NewLion, who, well, I've worked contract for, as I work in broadcasting, and some webcasting, which is the future. So far NeuLion is getting it's feet wet in a lot of puddles it seems to me. But everywhere you look webcasting is still infantile. I did have a guy from Turner Broadcasting tell me something I believe though. In 5-10 years webcasting is going to be HD quality streamed to your TV, and available everywhere. Believe it.