Damn, now I'm even posting doping threads....
Anyway, my question for those of you "in the know" how do so many cyclists dope and not get caught with bags of blood, syringes etc., It seems to me that not all cyclists are smart and some at least would get popped, or rather would get popped more often by getting caught with "stuff" than by failing a test.
I know there are examples of both, Kayle L, Puerto etc., I am not asking for a rehash of what has happened but maybe some idea of how a guy like LA who is so high profile could get away with dragging around bags of blood, syringes etc. Wouldn't transport of these items be illegal?
Anyway, my question for those of you "in the know" how do so many cyclists dope and not get caught with bags of blood, syringes etc., It seems to me that not all cyclists are smart and some at least would get popped, or rather would get popped more often by getting caught with "stuff" than by failing a test.
I know there are examples of both, Kayle L, Puerto etc., I am not asking for a rehash of what has happened but maybe some idea of how a guy like LA who is so high profile could get away with dragging around bags of blood, syringes etc. Wouldn't transport of these items be illegal?