Odd that they picked him for some re-testing indeed. Unless the speaks another real truth, being an amateur at doping. Being good at getting rusults relative to his actual fitness, yet bad at the masking bit. If you go to some shady folks known in the sport as shady for your EPO, chances are, you're getting your money's worth, not more. Like the priceless Bruyneel treatment ;-)
I want to believe the kids speaks all truths, even if I detest that he won't expose anyone. He seems to even make an effort to not incriminate Rabobank, knowning he has enough enemies already, and they may have their files better in order than he does.
He always seemed to be a true talent. If he won some, why not clean? Talents don't surface on a level playing field where everyone takes the same amount of doping. He wasn't even that easy to catch!
Stupid on his part, if he indeed won some good races clean, to let it then slip away to the point of "needing" dope.
Anyway, his increased level of openness seems mostly a positive thing. He wants to ride, he wants to be a contender. And he doens't want to run out of money

He'll be under fierce scrutiny now of course, and let that be a stimulation for him to stay clean and be the better rider. He does have time.