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Thorpe drops charges on L'equipe

Jun 16, 2009
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In the paper Yesterday, It was announced that Ian Thorpe dropped defamation charges on L'equipe and journalist Damien Ressiot over an article which accuses Thorpe of taking a luteinising hormone and abnormal levels of Testosterone. Isn't Ressiot the same guy who wrote articles on LA? Who will be next Ressiot's drug bust list?:D
Aug 13, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
In the paper Yesterday, It was announced that Ian Thorpe dropped defamation charges on L'equipe and journalist Damien Ressiot over an article which accuses Thorpe of taking a luteinising hormone and abnormal levels of Testosterone. Isn't Ressiot the same guy who wrote articles on LA? Who will be next Ressiot's drug bust list?:D

Smart move. He dropped his case for the same reason Armstrong did, he has no case and would have been embarrassed in court.
Jun 13, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Smart move. He dropped his case for the same reason Armstrong did, he has no case and would have been embarrassed in court.

The reason he gave was that through all the hearings and submissions l'Equipe simply didn't show up. The action was in an Oz court and l'Equipe being French could avoid any ruling by simply ignoring the whole thing.

Whether there was any merit to the case (ie Thorpe not being a doper) is another matter.
Aug 13, 2009
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PACONi said:
The reason he gave was that through all the hearings and submissions l'Equipe simply didn't show up. The action was in an Oz court and l'Equipe being French could avoid any ruling by simply ignoring the whole thing.

Whether there was any merit to the case (ie Thorpe not being a doper) is another matter.

I am unfamiliar with Australian libel laws, but if they are like the UK Thorpe can pursue the case. If L'equipe does not show up he will receive a summery judgement. The fact that he did not says something.
Jun 13, 2009
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Race Radio said:
I am unfamiliar with Australian libel laws, but if they are like the UK Thorpe can pursue the case. If L'equipe does not show up he will receive a summery judgement. The fact that he did not says something.

The impression I was given from the article I read was that even if he pursued the case and won, there was no way the court could enforce the ruling on l'Equipe, given that they have no presence in Oz.

@Cobblestones - dunno. Maybe this outcome is what he was after all along. Make a point, but don't take it too far in case it gets out of hand. Thats pure speculation on my behalf. Swimming isn't like cycling in that you cant look at a guy and say he's dodgy because he rode for T-Mobile or worked with Ferrari. No doubt swimming has its cheats, I just dont follow it closely enough to know who is associated with who.
Ferminal said:
Indeed my assessment of it.

Does anyone actually have the details of Thorpe's drug use?

"Olympic gold medallist Ian Thorpe has dropped his defamation case against a French newspaper that claimed he was a drug cheat, after the publisher refused to come to court to defend the case."

Doesnt sound like he was hiding to me.

Thorpe wasnt on anything.
Aug 13, 2009
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PACONi said:
The impression I was given from the article I read was that even if he pursued the case and won, there was no way the court could enforce the ruling on l'Equipe, given that they have no presence in Oz.


Kinda funny how that works......wonder why he did not file it in France?
Jun 13, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Kinda funny how that works......wonder why he did not file it in France?

Cobblestones asked the same question. Given we're in the Clinic, people will assume he has something to hide. Maybe he does, or maybe he doesn't but knew he couldn't prove his case against l'Equipe. Either way by keeping it in Oz he can make show of things for the public, but knows he has an escape plan in case it gets too expensive or it looks like some incriminating info may come out. So yeah, I agree, if he really wanted to make them pay for slinging mud he should have sued in France.

It may be bias, but I don't really think he was a doper. He dominated the 400m free, but had plenty of close rivals in the 100/200. Or maybe I'm just being niave about swimming as compared to cycling. I mean theres no reason why it'd be any cleaner. Plenty of cash and gold medals to be won.
Jun 16, 2009
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PACONi said:
Cobblestones asked the same question. Given we're in the Clinic, people will assume he has something to hide. Maybe he does, or maybe he doesn't but knew he couldn't prove his case against l'Equipe. Either way by keeping it in Oz he can make show of things for the public, but knows he has an escape plan in case it gets too expensive or it looks like some incriminating info may come out. So yeah, I agree, if he really wanted to make them pay for slinging mud he should have sued in France.

It may be bias, but I don't really think he was a doper. He dominated the 400m free, but had plenty of close rivals in the 100/200. Or maybe I'm just being niave about swimming as compared to cycling. I mean theres no reason why it'd be any cleaner. Plenty of cash and gold medals to be won.

Cycling has far better quality testing than swimming though in Australia, Cyclists are all dopers and swimmers area angels who do wrong, well that goes for our aussie swimmers.
Ferminal said:
Yeh, neither was Lance...

Totally different situations, personalities, careers..
He offered his blood up for freezing, so it could be tested in the future - I don't/didn't see Lance doing that.

Thorpe won a world championship at 15 - you think he was doping?
Jun 16, 2009
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My understanding of Aussie civil procedure law (ie., how the cases are run - which is the relevant law here, not the laws on defamation) is that it allows summary judgement if a defendant doesn't appear - or if they don't file a response to a statement of claim. There are some situations where summary judgement wont be granted, even though it has been requested, which are usually situations where the judge determines that there is an arguable case - ie., where the defendant may well be right.

Of equal relevance, there's a rule in all of the English based legal systems called forum conveniens. That rule starts with a presumption that you file and hear a case in the "defendant's court" unless there is a really strong case from the claimant that it should be held in "their" court.

Applying those two rules to this case - Thorpe should've filed in France since that is where L'Equipe is based. I can't think of any really obvious and sound reasons for him being able to claim forum conveniens - after all, he's a well travelled, well heeled guy who has a number of international dealings. France is an established country with a strong legal system and well developed defamation laws. On top of that, the majority of the people who would've read the article and "formed a lesser opinion of Thorpe" (essential elements for proving defamation) would've been in France. Therefore, to my mind, the suit should've been filed in France.

As for summary judgement - I'd be guessing it'd be unlikely to be awarded as there'd be at least some evidence that could be disputed. I make this comment based on common sense and the usual circus that we see whenever any athlete is charged with doping offences.

So, to me it sounds like Thorpe never had any intention of pursuing this suit and it was all for show - something along the lines of the same "I'll make a fuss and then find a reason to abandon the case - but you'll all still remember I made the fuss and think I'm innocent" strategy that a well known american cyclist employs quite often. BTW - this isn't to necessarily say that I think Thorpe doped - I don't know enough about him and his history to pass comment on that ...

Only other possible explanations that I can see are that he got some really bad legal advice in the first place (possible) or that the reporting in whichever rag this came from is pretty crappy and a whole heap of salient details were omitted (equally possible ...)

Here endeth the lesson on Civil Procedure 101 ... ;)
Nick777 said:
Totally different situations, personalities, careers..
He offered his blood up for freezing, so it could be tested in the future - I don't/didn't see Lance doing that.

Thorpe won a world championship at 15 - you think he was doping?

Sorry, I said that wrong :p

Just because you take legal action/drop legal action/do whatever in courts doesn't necessarily mean you're clean. Lance has spent an almighty time in courts throughout his career and we all know how clean he is. He (Lance) was using the courts to hide from doping allegations.

I'm skeptical of Thorpe as much as I'm skeptical about Phelps, Bolt etc. You wouldn't be surprised to find they did dope.

Edit: Here is the report http://www.news.com.au/story/0,,26134875-2,00.html

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